Reports index
This article lists all standard GpsGate reports. For setup, activation, and usage instructions, click on the respective Report ID of each report to access the report guide.
Image | Report ID | Name | Description | Plugin name |
BC1000 | BreadCrumb | List of all position updates with time and address. Use this report to get a detailed list of all position updates sent from your assets. This report is most used in implementations with less frequent position updates. | BreadCrumb Report |
EC1002 | Eco Report (Summary) | The EC1002 report shows simplified ECO scores accumulated, grouped by date range. Drivers are categorized as "Excellent", "Good", "Fair" and "Risky" based on their driving behavior. | Eco Report | |
EV1000 | Event Rule | This report shows lists of all events generated during the selected time period. The report is grouped by Event Rule. | Updates | |
EV1000-U | User-based Event Rule | This report shows lists of all events generated during the selected time period for a specific user. | Updates | |
EV1001 | Event Rule (Total) | The total number of triggered events, listed per asset. This report is a summary of the details in Report EV1000. Use this compact list of all events in your system for a quick overview. | Updates | |
EV1001-U | User-based Event Rule (Total) | The total number of triggered events listed per asset for a specific user. This report is a summary of the details in Report EV1000. Use this compact list of all events in your system for a quick overview. | Updates |
FC1002 | Fuel Consumption | Shows the asset’s fuel fills and average fuel consumption. For the fuel consumption plugin only. | Fuel Consumption | |
FC1003 | Fuel Consumption Exceptions | An exception report showing the fills that fall outside the expected fuel consumption setting. For the fuel consumption plugin only. | Fuel Consumption | |
FU1004 | Fuel Report (Daily) | Shows the daily fuel consumption (e.g. liters/100 km) and fuel efficiency (e.g. miles per gallon) for assets in the selected time period. For trackers with fuel-reading capabilities. | Fuel Report | |
FU1005 | Fuel Refill Report (Detailed) | Shows fuel refills for assets in the selected time period. For trackers with fuel-reading capabilities. | Fuel Report | |
FU1006 | Fuel Refill Report (Daily) | Shows daily fuel refills for assets in the selected time period. For trackers with fuel-reading capabilities. | Fuel Report | |
FU1007 | Fuel Consumption report(Trip & Idle) | Trip & Idle report along with Total Fuel consumption to measure fuel usage. | Fuel Report | |
SG1000 | Signal Report | List of the latest reported value for a selected tracker signal. You can use this to get a list of the last reported battery level, firmware version, or the state of a switch (or other signal) supported on your trackers. | Signal Report | |
SG1001 | Signal Report | Is the same report as SG1000 but per user. | Signal Report | |
SY1000 | System Report (Asset Connection) | Time of the latest asset connection to the server. | System Report | |
SY1001 | System Report (Asset Valid Position) | Time of the latest valid position per asset. | System Report | |
SY1002 | User Tracker | Lists users and their trackers with the last position clickable. | System Report | |
SY1003 | Log in Activity Report | Shows user-session information per application and user. | System Report | |
TR1000 | Trip & Idle (Detailed) | Detailed overview of asset usage including trip details and idle time. Trip details include start and stop addresses, trip distance, duration, and speed information. | Updates | |
TR1000-U | User-based Trip & Idle (Detailed) | Detailed overview of asset usage for a specific user including trip details and idle time. Trip details include start and stop addresses, trip distance, duration, and speed information. | Updates |
TR1001 | Trip & Idle (Daily) | Daily overview of total trip distance and asset utilization. The report is used to get a quick overview of fleet utilization and to detect unexpected usage patterns. | Updates | |
TR1001-U | User-based Trip & Idle (Daily) | Daily overview of total trip distance and asset utilization for a specific user. The report is used to get a quick overview of fleet utilization and to detect unexpected usage patterns. | Updates |
TR1003 | Trip & Idle (compact style) | Trips per asset and day presented in a simplified layout. | Updates | |
TR2000 | Trip & Idle (Daily Avg Start Trip Time) | Daily average start trip time of assets. | Updates | |
TS1006 | Sites not Visited | Show sites not visited during the selected time period. This report is used to detect sites that have not been visited. | Time on Site Report |
TS1008 | Sites Not Visited (Geofence) | Show sites not visited during the selected time period. This report is used to detect sites marked with geofences that have not been visited. | Time on Site Report | |
TS1009 | Sites not visited (POI) | Time and duration of site visits aggregated for each site per asset. This report is used to show site visit details with one additional hierarchy level. | Time on Site Report | |
TS1010 | Time on Site (Asset) | This report shows the visits to POIs or Geofences. The report is used to show the time and number of times spent on customer sites within the selected time period. | Time on Site Report | |
TS1011 | Time on Site (Site) | This report is the same as TS1010 but sorted by site. | Time on Site Report | |
TS1012 | Time on Site (Asset - Site) | This report is used to show site visit details with one additional hierarchy level. | Time On Site Report | |
XML001 | Offline Report | The Offline Report lists the assets that have been offline for the last x days. | System Report |