Reports index

This article lists all standard GpsGate reports. For setup, activation, and usage instructions, click on the respective Report ID of each report to access the report guide. 

Image Report ID Name Description Plugin name
  BC1000 BreadCrumb List of all position updates with time and address. Use this report to get a detailed list of all position updates sent from your assets. This report is most used in implementations with less frequent position updates.  BreadCrumb Report
EC1002 Eco Report (Summary) The EC1002 report shows simplified ECO scores accumulated, grouped by date range. Drivers are categorized as "Excellent", "Good", "Fair" and "Risky" based on their driving behavior. Eco Report
EV1000 Event Rule This report shows lists of all events generated during the selected time period. The report is grouped by Event Rule.  Updates
  EV1000-U User-based Event Rule This report shows lists of all events generated during the selected time period for a specific user.  Updates

EV1001 Event Rule (Total) The total number of triggered events, listed per asset. This report is a summary of the details in Report EV1000. Use this compact list of all events in your system for a quick overview. Updates


EV1001-U User-based Event Rule (Total) The total number of triggered events listed per asset for a specific user. This report is a summary of the details in Report EV1000. Use this compact list of all events in your system for a quick overview. Updates

FC1002 Fuel Consumption Shows the asset’s fuel fills and average fuel consumption. For the fuel consumption plugin only. Fuel Consumption

FC1003 Fuel Consumption Exceptions An exception report showing the fills that fall outside the expected fuel consumption setting. For the fuel consumption plugin only. Fuel Consumption
FU1004 Fuel Report (Daily) Shows the daily fuel consumption (e.g. liters/100 km) and fuel efficiency (e.g. miles per gallon) for assets in the selected time period. For trackers with fuel-reading capabilities. Fuel Report

FU1005 Fuel Refill Report (Detailed) Shows fuel refills for assets in the selected time period. For trackers with fuel-reading capabilities. Fuel Report

FU1006 Fuel Refill Report (Daily) Shows daily fuel refills for assets in the selected time period. For trackers with fuel-reading capabilities. Fuel Report

FU1007 Fuel Consumption report(Trip & Idle) Trip & Idle report along with Total Fuel consumption to measure fuel usage.  Fuel Report

SG1000 Signal Report List of the latest reported value for a selected tracker signal. You can use this to get a list of the last reported battery level, firmware version, or the state of a switch (or other signal) supported on your trackers. Signal Report

SG1001 Signal Report Is the same report as SG1000 but per user. Signal Report

SY1000 System Report (Asset Connection) Time of the latest asset connection to the server. System Report

SY1001 System Report (Asset Valid Position) Time of the latest valid position per asset. System Report

SY1002 User Tracker Lists users and their trackers with the last position clickable. System Report

SY1003 Log in Activity Report Shows user-session information per application and user. System Report


TR1000  Trip & Idle (Detailed)  Detailed overview of asset usage including trip details and idle time. Trip details include start and stop addresses, trip distance, duration, and speed information. Updates


TR1000-U User-based Trip & Idle (Detailed) Detailed overview of asset usage for a specific user including trip details and idle time. Trip details include start and stop addresses, trip distance, duration, and speed information. Updates

TR1001 Trip & Idle (Daily) Daily overview of total trip distance and asset utilization. The report is used to get a quick overview of fleet utilization and to detect unexpected usage patterns. Updates


TR1001-U User-based Trip & Idle (Daily) Daily overview of total trip distance and asset utilization for a specific user. The report is used to get a quick overview of fleet utilization and to detect unexpected usage patterns. Updates

TR1003 Trip & Idle (compact style) Trips per asset and day presented in a simplified layout. Updates

TR2000 Trip & Idle (Daily Avg Start Trip Time) Daily average start trip time of assets. Updates
   TS1006  Sites not Visited Show sites not visited during the selected time period. This report is used to detect sites that have not been visited.  Time on Site Report

TS1008 Sites Not Visited (Geofence) Show sites not visited during the selected time period. This report is used to detect sites marked with geofences that have not been visited. Time on Site Report


TS1009 Sites not visited (POI) Time and duration of site visits aggregated for each site per asset. This report is used to show site visit details with one additional hierarchy level. Time on Site Report
TS1010 Time on Site (Asset)  This report shows the visits to POIs or Geofences. The report is used to show the time and number of times spent on customer sites within the selected time period.  Time on Site Report 
 TS1011  Time on Site (Site)  This report is the same as TS1010 but sorted by site. Time on Site Report

TS1012 Time on Site (Asset - Site) This report is used to show site visit details with one additional hierarchy level. Time On Site Report

XML001 Offline Report The Offline Report lists the assets that have been offline for the last x days. System Report