EV1000 Event Rule detailed
This report shows lists of all events generated during the selected time period. The report is grouped by Event Rule.
In-report information
- Start date and time: when the event starts
- Stop date: when the event stops
- Duration: duration while the event was true.
- Asset: the involved asset in the event.
- Event State: Finished when the event condition is false. Pending when the event condition is still true.
- Start and End address: where the event started/ended
- Total Events: total number of events
- Total Assets: total number of assets involved in the events
- Total Duration of the events
The report has the possibility to add report arguments.
This report works with any tracker. The report requires at least one event in order to display information.
Read how to create event rules here.
No specific setup is required. This report is enabled by default in all applications.
If this report is not visible in your application, read how to activate the report in the application.