Privileges and Features - description

Privileges and Features activate different permissions or features within an application.

Read more about how to activate the privileges and features in an application.

* Asset Tracker = VT
* Site Admin = SA

General privileges by category

We will describe the privileges by their category as seen under the Privileges and Features tree at the application level.


Privilege Description
_BatchEditUsers  Allows batch editing users in the app
_BatchImportUsers Allows importing users in batch mode
_BatchUpdateUsers Allows batch updating user properties
_CreateUser Allows creating users
_DeleteUser Allows deleting users
_EditAccumulatorType Allows editing the accumulator type 
_EditApplicationPrivileges Allows editing the roles of an application
_EditCustomField Allows adding custom fields
_EditDeviceMapper Allows editing device mappers
_EditDeviceMapperScript  Allows using the device mapper scripting
_EditDialogs Allows accessing the downward arrow in the upper right corner of many windows
_EditEventRule Allow editing event rules in the application  
_EditGateEvent Allow closing alarms
_EditSessions Allow closing sessions of different users logged into the system  
_EditTags Allow editing tags
_EditUserAccessMask Allows editing the User Access Mask feature
_EditUsername Allow editing the usernames
_EditUsers Allow editing users' properties
_EditUserTemplates Allows using the User Type Editor
_ExportVehicleList Allows exporting the asset list from the Assets panel inside the application (top-right menu > Export data)
_ImportTemplate Allows importing templates (event rules, geofences, reports)  

Allows reading asset data; also needed for a user to receive emails and use reports

_ReadMessageFields Allow selecting which GpsGate variables will be listed
_ReadUserOverview Allows using the user overview for the asset properties
_UseKmlFeed Adds KML Feed menu option when enabled
_UseSearch Allows using search feature in VT application

Allows using User Access Mask feature


Privilege Description
_APIRead Allows granting read-only access to the REST API 

Allows granting read/write access to the REST API


Privilege Description
_EditCommandTags Allows editing command tags
_ExecuteCommandAll Allow access to all non-administrator command tags
_ExecuteCommandsInTag Allow access to command tags in this tag (regardless if the command is administrator-only or not)
_ExecuteSpecialCommandAll Allow access to all administrator device commands

Allow resetting the device commands queue when the command has the option to be queued


Privilege Description
_EditScriptExpression Allow editing script expressions in event rules
_ReadEventHistory Allow reading the Events History in the Events panel
_ReadEventRule Allow seeing the selected event rule

Allows using role-based event rules (used with the Maintenance plugin)

Fleet app

Privilege Description
_FleetAppUseEvents Enables events in the Fleet app
_FleetAppUseMap Allows using the map in the Fleet app
_FleetAppUseVehicles Allows reading the Assets panel in the Fleet app 


Privilege Description
_LiveAddress Allows using Live Addresses in the Assets Panel in the VT application

Allows using Live Addresses in the Track Points list in the VT application


Privilege Description
_EditGeofence Allows editing all geofences except route geofences
_EditGeofenceTags Allows editing all geofences tags
_EditRouteGeofence Allows editing route geofences
_ImportGeofence Allows importing KML geofences
_ReadGeofence Gives reading access to geofences

Allows using role-based geofences tags


Privilege Description
_EditIconCategory Allows modifying the icon library by adding custom icons 
_EditIconSets Allows editing icon sets

Allows selecting a particular icon library on custom icons


Privilege Description
_EditLinkItems Allows editing Link Items
_EditLinkNamespace Allows editing Link Namespaces
_EditLinkScript Allows editing Link Scripts 

Allows seeing Links


Privilege Description
_CreateLanguage Allows creating a new language definition 
_DeleteLanguage Allows deleting a language definition 
_EditLanguage Allows controlling which language can be edited 

Allows selecting installed language


Privilege Description
 _DeviceLogin Allows having a tracker (GPS tracker)
_MobileLogin Allows logging in with the mobile interface 
_WebLogin Allows logging in to the application

Allows logging in using web services scripting 


Privilege Description
_UseArcGISMap Enables using ArcGIS maps. Read plugins privileges below.
_UseGeoServerMap Enables using GeoServer map. Read plugins privileges below.
_UseMapCustom Allows using imported PEG, PNG, GIF or BMP maps

Allows selecting a different map provider

Marker Attributes

Privilege Description

Restricts access to marker attributes window


Privilege Description

Allows creating categories among notes


Allows deleting notes categories. Will not delete notes.  


Allows deleting notes


Allows reading notes


Allows writing notes

Reports and Export

Privilege Description

Allows track export from the Tracks panel 


Privilege Description

Allows access to the Status panel


Privilege Description

Enables HDOP tracks. Read plugins privileges below.


Allows deleting tracks


Allows reading tracks


Allows the use of the graph tool

User Settings

Privilege Description

Allows selecting which tabs the user can see in the Settings dialog


Allows viewing and tracking assets in real-time. To allow this per application (by default to all users), you also need to select a refresh rate value (e.g. Live) under the application (Properties > Live Data parameter) or have this setting enabled per user when inside the application (Settings > Refresh Rate).


Allows changing the time zone, language, date and time format, etc. 


 Allows changing the user password


Allows turning off track filtering

Asset Info

Privilege Description

Allows access to the Asset Info panel


Privilege Description

Allows access to the Assets panel


Privilege Description

Allows editing Views


Allows reading Views


Privilege Description

Allows removing saved shared workspaces


Allows editing the user's private workspaces


Allows editing shared workspaces


Allows adding or removing columns from the application panels 


 Allows using the selected saved shared workspaces


Privilege Description

Allows selecting which reports can be created by the users under Manage Reports in the application


Allows editing the Report Schedule option when modifying report parameters


Allows the user to process unprepared tracking data  


Allows printing the report  


Allows selecting which format to use on reports (CSV, ZIP CSV, HTML, PDF2) 


Allows viewing the selected reports

Plugin-specific plugins

Plugin Privilege Description

Access Filter


Allows restricting access to your GpsGate Server

ArcGIS _ArcGISLogin

Allows pulling the asset's latest position from GpsGate Server and using it in an ArcGIS Server

Area Search _AreaSearch

Allows drawing a rectangle on the map to search for track data history





Allows editing pictures in the application

Allows taking pictures in the application

Allows viewing pictures in the application




Allows retrieving crash data from supported trackers in the application

Allows reading crash data from supported trackers in the application



Allows enabling CargoMoveDataForward functionality

Data Forward


Allows forwarding the unmodified data sent from a tracker to one or many other servers

Device Manager


Allows sending template commands to trackers and viewing command status for user tags

DriverID in Tag Expression 


Allows editing the DriverIDInTag expression in the event rule

Fuel Consumption





Allows adding fuel consumption logs

Allows deleting fuel consumption logs

Allows editing fuel consumption logs

Allows importing fuel consumption logs

HTTP Expression


Allows using the HttpExpression feature

Indoor Positioning System

Indoor Positioning System

Allows using indoor positioning functionality






 Allows editing maintenance schedules

Allows importing maintenance logs

Allows logging a maintenance entry

Allows maintenance schedule access for a specific role



Allows access and setup of the Malaysia Ministry of Transport feature for an appllication

Map Coordinates

Map Coordinates

Allows showing the coordinates and street address of a position clicked on the map

Map Measure Tool

Map Measure Tool

 Allows measuring distances on the map using a ruler tool



Allows trackers to forward messages to MPOB (Monthly Statement of the Producer of Oil Palm Fruits) service



Allows showing multiple maps on a different monitor

Online Status Indicator

Online Status Indicator

Allows displaying the current number of online and offline assets in a small window



Allows using the payment list

Points of Interest





Allows editing the location of a POI

Allows editing the category of a POI

Allows importing POI locations

Allows users to read POI location categories



Allows sharing application views on your webpage






Allows editing a scripted app

Allows editing a click script

Allows editing a WebService Script

Allows using a specific click script

Sound Alarm

Sound Alarm

Allows playing an alert sound on an incoming alarm

Speeding Expression


 Allows editing the Speeding Expression values in the event rule

Street View Window

Street View Window

Allows using Google Street View

Terminal Window

Terminal Window

Allows viewing the raw stream of reports/data going between the server and tracker

Track Replay

Track Replay

Allows playing tracks for assets in an application

 Tracking Schedule


Allows discarding tracker messages sent outside of working hours for data privacy reasons

User Actions

User Actions

Allows visualizing log activities from the users

WASL Data Forward


Allows the asset to forward data for the WASL protocol

Deprecated privileges

Deprecated features are listed here.

Plugin Privilege Description

Always Valid


Allows having the marker on the map move on "invalid" position updates

Always Valid


 Allows using server time rather than tracker time for all reports

Always Valid


Allows using server time for invalid reports




Allows invalidating "valid" position reports with too high HDOP value

Driver Journal


 Allows editing the categories for the Driver Journal plugin



Allows using SOAP methods to retrieve information from the application using Web Services



Allows chatting from the VT application to supported trackers








Allows editing all dispatch jobs created  

Allows editing the owned dispatch jobs created

Allows enabling dispatch ETA in the dispatch menu

Allows viewing all dispatch jobs created

Allows viewing the owned dispatch jobs created

Allows editing jobs' custom fields