Using roles with privileges and features
Roles are used to give user rights. A user with a Role has access to a set of features and privileges in an application.
Application Roles
1. Login with an Admin user in your application.
2. Click on Main Menu →Admin → Roles.
Note: if you don't see this option, make sure you have _EditApplicationPrivileges permission enabled in your application. Read more about how to add privileges and features to an application.
By default, an application has four predefined roles:
Role | Description |
_Administrator | All features and rights are enabled by default. |
_Operator | No access to Administrator-type features like adding users, managing event rules, and creating views. |
_Unit | Can send information to the server, but lacks the right to log in to the Asset Tracker interface. |
_Driver |
To be used for drivers only. Read more about driver options here. |
Editing and customising Roles
To create custom roles, we strongly recommend making copies of the standard roles before making any modifications.
1. Click on Create copy
2. Define a name to this new role, then click Next.
3. Select the options presented according to your needs and the privileges you want to enable for this role.
- Auto-allow new items is useful when you install new plugins and add them later on in your application. When this option is activated, the users belonging to this role will have the selected features enabled without manual intervention.
- Applies to If 'Only items created by this role' is selected, it sets the privileges automatically if they were enabled by this role. Otherwise, all new items will be enabled by default for this role.
4. Finally, select which user(s) will belong to this new role
5. Click on Save.
6. Remove the selected user(s) from other roles to avoid overlapping.