Configure your device to report to GpsGate

Configure your device

Device manufacturers use different methods to configure GPS devices. 

Method 1: via configuration tool

Most major device manufacturers offer a configuration tool to facilitate the task of setting up a device for the first time.

Method 2: using SMS commands

If your device manufacturer cannot provide you with a device configuration tool, it is very likely your device is configurable via SMS commands.

You can send commands to your devices using your mobile phone or the GpsGate platform.

To send SMS from GpsGate, you can use the terminal window or create template commands that can be used at any time.

Which IP and port should I configure my devices to report to?

You can see which IP and port you have to configure your device to in the Add a device guide:

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 11.08.28.png

GpsGate does not offer support in providing SMS commands for your devices. Ask your device company's support team forguidelines regarding SMS setup commands for your device.