GpsGate Fleet: Mobile Fleet Management

GpsGate Fleet is a smartphone app for managers and owners who need a fleet overview while on the go. Push notifications, streamlined maps, asset search, and event views let you access the information you need fast.


Minimum requirements

Android 8 or iOS 12

Download the app

Scan the QR code using the camera app on your mobile phone to get direct access to the app.


It works inside the camera app when Google Lens Suggestions are activated.


APK file (link)


You can read more about the app features here

Log in to the application

  • Log in to your server using your user credentials given by the administrator.

We recommend logging in using an operator user. Read how to set up an operator user here.


  • Select an application to log into.


Sign in on mobile from your application 

The QR code is now accessible through the application interface. Just head to the Main Menu and select "Sign in on mobile." You can just follow the on-screen instructions to enjoy the Fleet app experience.

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 11.27.11.png

If you haven't yet installed the Fleet app, scan the QR code to initiate the mobile application installation. Alternatively, if you've already installed the app, scanning the QR code will seamlessly log you in, where you'll be prompted to enter your password.

Login to the Fleet app by QR code:

1. Open the application and press on Scan QR code

2. Allow 'Fleet' to access the Camera 

3. Scan the QR Code 

4. Add your credentials and press on the 'Sign in' button 


Stay in control of your fleet wherever and whenever with our mobile app.