Dashboard notifications
Need to dial down on dangerous driving within a fleet? Configure Dashboard to send push notifications directly to the mobile Fleet App. Fleet managers stay updated on the go with important alerts. Clicking on a push notification opens the app and allows users to dial down further to find the root of the problem.
Don't use GpsGate's Fleet App yet? Scan the QR code to download it for free.
Read up on the Fleet App here.
Now that you've downloaded the Fleet App, you're ready to trigger push notifications. We'll show you how:
All notifications are configured from within the application. Once Dashboard is enabled in the application, navigate to the Dashboard panel.
1. Click on the icon to open the Manage Dashboard window.
2. Navigate to the Notification menu and click on the Add Notification button.
3. Fill in Details here: display name for the Notification, select the Metric, and identify users to notify with Tags.
Here's an example! The following configuration will trigger an alert if the fleet assets experience sudden changes in speed more than 3 times in 5 minutes.
Notice the Configuration contains a threshold type and value. Control the frequency of notifications that can be triggered with the Timeout setting.
4. Save the new Notification.
Use case: notifications for harsh accelerating
Send notifications to the Fleet App when a fleet asset exceeds the threshold of harsh acceleration events. For example, if a asset accelerates harshly more than 5 times in an hour, you will receive a notification on the Fleet App. Quickly identify and address problem areas, take steps to improve safety, reduce fuel consumption, and improve fleet efficiency.
How to setup:
1. Begin by setting up an Event Rule. In this example, we are using the event rule Digital Expression where the HarshAccelerationDigital is equal to TRUE.
2. Within Dashboard settings, we select Event Frequency as our Metric Type. We select Harsh Acceleration in the Event rule list. This Metric is applied to all the units of the fleet in Assets Included.
3. Create Dashboard notifications
All notifications are triggered by Metrics and sent to the mobile Fleet App.
4. Save the notification
The Timeout has been set to 1 hour, therefore the next alert will be sent in a minimum of one hour from the last notification alert if the threshold value will be reached. If the threshold has not been reached, no notification is triggered. Timeout helps you configure timely alerts, without bombarding users.
Here is an example to demonstrate Timeout:
- A fleet manager sets the threshold value for harsh acceleration events to 5. The Timeout value has been set to 1 hour.
- At 14:26, a fleet asset accelerates harshly 6 times.
- This triggered a push notification to the Fleet App at 14:26.
- If the same fleet asset accelerates harshly again at least 5 times, another notification will be sent at 15:26.
- But if the fleet asset has not accelerated harshly at least 5 times since 14:26, no alarm is triggered and a notification will not be sent.
How this notification will appear in the Fleet App:
Here, we see that the threshold value has been reached and a notification has been triggered from Dashboard and sent to the mobile Fleet App.
Drilling down from the Fleet App
The power of Dashboard goes beyond visualizing your fleet insights at a glance. You can also drill into any Widget to get more insight into events or asset details. This function works within the Fleet App too. Let's tap on the Fleet App notification from above and drill down!
Tap the Metric name to get a Top List of assets with Harsh Acceleration:
To find even more about a Metric event for a specific asset, select the asset from the devices list and tap on Events.
From here, you'll see more details about the event, such as asset name, event address, timestamp, and event duration.