Event rule use case: send commands to your trackers

You can send automatic commands that depend on specific events generated by your trackers. This article describes how an Event Rule is capable of sending a command to your tracker/s.


1. Create a Template Command.

2. Follow the Custom event rule wizard until step 5 (you need to define in step 4. Expressions which is the condition that will trigger your alert. This is not covered in this guide). 

3. On step 5. Notifications of the event rule creation, select the Command type and choose the command notification method.


Other device: sends the command to the specified tracker

Back to device: sends the command to the same tracker that generated the alert.

TCP/UDP/HTTP/SMS: the protocol by which you want to send the command

Notify Start/End/both: sends the command when the notification has started/ended/both.

4. Save your event rule.


If you want to verify the results of your commands sent to your trackers we recommend using the Command Control panel and the Terminal Window