How to Add Users?
This article explains how to create a new user for an application.
Administrators and Operators are considered users; each comes with default roles assigned to them in the system. These users can only access the application in which they were created.
However, you have the flexibility to modify these roles or create custom roles tailored to your needs.
This article will walk you through the steps to create an Administrator user and assign the appropriate role, ensuring they have the necessary permissions to manage the application efficiently.
How to Create a User?
There are different ways to create a user in GpsGate:
- Manually (as explained below)
- Batch import users
- Using REST API
Creating a User (Manually)
1. Log in to your application
2. Click the down arrow from the + Asset button and select Custom Asset. Learn more about user types here.
Upon clicking the Custom asset, the below window opens. You can now click on User Type and select the type of user as shown below. The + Asset button will now read + Custom asset.
3. Click on Details and enter the required details, including Username, Password, and Displayed Name.
4. Click on Save
*Note: If you select another user type (e.g. + Asset), the + Custom asset button will now read + Asset. This saved history on the button saves time if you need to create another user of the same type. If you need to add a user with another user type, simply click the down arrow to access another user type.
You've now created your user - myOperator. You can view the users of your application in the Manage Users panel. This is located under Main Menu - Admin - Manage users.
From this panel, you can create a new custom user or invite the users to the application.
Find out more:
How to Modify the Administrator / Operator / User Type for Use as the Default Setup.