Batch edit

Using this feature, you can edit multiple properties of different users using the Batch Edit feature. You can modify batch properties like Marker Colors, Marker Icons, Accumulators, Odometers, Custom Fields, Fuel consumption values, Roles, and Tags.

How to enable this option

1. Navigate to Site Admin Privileges of the application 

2. Enable the _BatchEditUsers privilege in your application properties.


3. Access to the option in the Assets panel under the menu options.

How to use Batch Edit

1. Select Role / User Type / Tag.

Depending on that selection, you will see different options below:


2. Actions

This section lets you select which property you want to modify. Clicking on Property will unfold all the possible properties (the choices you see will depend on which Plugins you have installed in the system):



3. Summary

Before making any changes, you'll have the possibility to see how many users will be affected according to your choices.


4. Click on Apply changes if everything looks correct.