How to add custom fields to POIs
Custom fields are user-made fields that can be applied to the POIs (Point of Interest).
1. Access the application privileges and features.
2. Enable the _EditCustomField privilege in your application.
Adding CF to your POIs
1. Select Windows > Point of Interest in your application.
2. Click on the panel menu and select Manage Custom Fields.
3. Click on + Custom field
4. Input the necessary information for your custom field
5. Click on Save.
Your custom fields should now be visible in the CF window
Now that your CF are ready to be used, you can edit any POI Group and assign them those CF:
1. Go to your Groups
2. Edit any Group category
3. Enable the CF you want to have in this Group
4. Click on Save.
5. Edit any of the POIs of the selected Group
6. Enter the CF details as necessary
7. Save your POI.
Your POI CF will also be available to be selected on the interface as an additional column info.