Import POIs

Points of Interest (POI) can be imported into the system. They can be imported from either another GpsGate installation or from a completely different system.


1. Install the Point of Interest plugin in Site Admin (Legacy) > Plugins.

2. Enable the following privileges in your application properties:

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 16.26.20.png

Files format to import

Basic CSV file

The file to import should be in CSV format, and each field separated by a comma (,). Values within the fields such as latitude/longitude should contain dots (.) not commas.

To be able to import a POI you'll need at least the following fields: Latitude,Longitude,Name

An example of the file content you should import:


CSV file that avoids duplicated entries

To be able to import a POI without duplicating entries you need to use the column name 

_Custom ID

This column should contain a unique numeric value for each row. It doesn't necessarily have to start with 0 or 1, you could use any number you want as long as it doesn't repeat itself.

Example of this content with Custom ID

_Custom ID,Latitude,Longitude,Name

Every time you import the file, it will update the content of the row containing that _Custom ID number. If no _Custom ID exists it will create a new row.


The KML file is more complex by nature. GpsGate offers compatibility with standard KML format of the Open Geospatial Consortium 2.2. This is an example of such a file to import:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
    <Placemark id="statueofliberty">
        <name>Statue of Liberty</name>
        <description>New York</description>
            <Data name="phone number">
            <Data name="webpage">


To import POIs, follow these steps:

1. Enable your Point of Interest panel by clicking on Main Menu → Windows → Point of Interest

2. Select the advanced menu and click on Import

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 16.28.24.png

3. Select the Upload file button to select the CSV or KML file

Note: You can create a new group of POIs from the button +Group

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 16.29.50.png

4. Click on Import

If successful, you will see this message:

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 16.30.06.png