Device Types
In GpsGate Server you have the possibility to create multiple instances of your Device Types for the same device model and brand.
Having different instances of device types could be useful in the following cases:
- When you have the same device brand and model in different vehicles and you need to capture different signals from each vehicle.
- When you want to use different Device Odometer types in different vehicles.
- When you want to use different Trip Definitions in different vehicles.
- When you want to use device mapper scripting and you don’t want this script to interfere with the default Device Type of a certain device.
Table of content:
B) Import/export a device-type template
C) Copy a device mapper configuration to one or multiple applications
D) Copy a device mapper configuration from one application to one or multiple applications
A) Create a new device type
1. In Site Admin (Legacy), go to Devices > Types
2. Select a Device Type and then an Instance of this device. Click on New.
You’ll immediately be able to see the newly created copy of the instance if you drop the list:
3. Rename the instance
4. Click on Save.
You will notice the new instance name that is shown in the list
Using your new copy
To see your new device type, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the application
2. Go to Administrator > Device Mapper you should be able to see the new instance of the device type.
Read more about the device mapper here.
B) Import/export a device-type template
Once you have an instance with your customizations, you could export/import it to another system if required.
1. Select the Instance you want to export
2. Click on Export
An XML file will be generated and downloaded with the configuration
1. Select the Import button
2. Choose the file to import from your system
3. Click on Import
Wait for the confirmation message
Now you will be able to see the new instance in the application under device mapper.
Additional options
- Track Filter Settings: default/City Drive. The filter establishes how the track points are going to be processed to be displayed on the screen. Learn more about Track Filters here.
- Upgradable: you normally want to allow this option. When there is a device plugin update on the server, this instance will also be updated if there is a new feature.
- Supported Commands: it will display the commands available for this device type and if you want to include them in this instance to be triggered within the Vehicle Tracker application. Find out more about template commands here.
- Device Mapper Template: lets you set the signal mapping defaults for this device type.
C) Copy a device mapper configuration to one or multiple applications
This method will allow you copying the current device mapper configuration, to a selected application of your choice. This will overwrite the device mapping in the application.
Note: you can only choose applications that are currently using the selected device type.
1. Select your device type.
2. Choose the option Device Mapper Template.
3. Select Copy to Application.
4. Select your application/s and choose Copy.
Now your device mapper configuration is copied to the selected application.
D) Copy a device mapper configuration from one application to one or multiple applications
Retrieving a device type from an application, will allow you to select an application source from which you want to copy a current mapper configuration, and apply it to one or multiple applications. You'll use it to replace the current saved template in this screen.
1. Select your device type.
2. Choose the option Device Mapper Template.
3. On this screen, choose Copy From Application.
4. Select the application from which your mapping should be copied.
5. Choose Copy.
6. Follow Copy a device mapper configuration to one or multiple applications from step 3.