Saved Value Device Mapper Scripts
Saved value Device Mapper scripts open up many scripting possibilities.
- The result of these scripts will be saved and the script will not be re-evaluated when reading tracks or generating reports.
- This saved value field scripts can be used to keep a history of Custom Fields.
- When changing the script or reprocessing tracks, the stored value won't be modified.
Developers may also think of saved value to mean persistable field scripts.
1. Make sure you're familiar with the concepts of Device Mapper and Device Mapper Scripts
2. Log in to an application and go to Main Menu > Admin > Device Mapper > select the device model >
3. Navigate to Scripts and press on the +Script button
4. Fill in the name of the script, add the Output variable, and enable Persist Result > Yes
5. Press on the Open Script Editor button
Usage examples
Ensure to utilize the appropriate Output variable for each example and click on "Test Script" before saving in the Script Editor.
- Example #1 Custom Fields history
- Example #2 Handle key=value data from device
- Example #3 Counter (+1)
- Example #4 Counter (cumulative)
1. Example: Custom Fields history
Output -> TemperatureThreshold (Custom Variable created in SiteAdmin of type double)
// -----------------------------
var temp = user.getCustomFieldValue('TempThreshold'); // User custom field, needs to be defined first and should be of type number
if(temp != null && temp != undefined) {
return parseFloat(temp);
return null
// -----------------------------
Now TempThreshold can be used in Event rules or reporting.
2. Example: Handle key=value data from the device (2 scripts)
Script 1
Output -> Temperature1
// ------------- SCRIPT ------------------
var val1 = fields.get('CustomString', null);
if(val1) {
var kvp = val1.split('=');
if(kvp.length ==2 && kvp[0] == 'temp1') {
return parseFloat(kvp[1]);
return null; // keep previous value
// ----------- END SCRIPT ----------------
Script 2
Output -> Temperature2
// ------------- SCRIPT ------------------
var val1 = fields.get('CustomString', null);
if(val1) {
var kvp = val1.split('=');
if(kvp.length ==2 && kvp[0] == 'temp2') {
return parseFloat(kvp[1]);
return null; // keep previous value
// ----------- END SCRIPT ----------------
3. Example: Counter (+1)
Output -> CustomAnalog1
var crashed = fields.get('Crash', false);
var currentCrashCount = fields.get('CustomAnalog1', 0);
if(crashed) {
return currentCrashCount + 1;
return currentCrashCount;
4. Example: Counter (cumulative)
Output -> CustomAnalog1. (Note: fuelDiff needs to be a difference of fuel between the current device report and the previous one)
var fuelDiff = fields.get('fuelDiff', 0);
var totalFuel = fields.get('CustomAnalog1', 0);
return totalFuel + fuelDiff;