New tracker or inputs integration
In order to integrate a new tracker brand/model or add more inputs for existing trackers, the following information is required: all three items are required.
A list of inputs by priority
To integrate a new tracker, we require a short list of the most important inputs to be integrated into the plugin. We prioritize and integrate inputs upon request. The inputs will be shown in the device mapper. The inputs are specified in the protocol document by the tracker manufacturer.
- For Teltonika trackers, we need the AVL IDs. You can find this online in the Teltonika documentation for your tracker.
Terminal data
Terminal data from the tracker in text format (no screenshots). Even if the tracker is not yet supported by us, the tracker messages (terminal data) can still be captured in our platform. Read more about how to capture terminal data in our terminal data knowledge article.
Please copy and paste terminal data and save it as a TXT file attached to your request.
A protocol document
- Skip this for Teltonika trackers.
An official protocol document from the manufacturer. A protocol document is usually a PDF file with specifications of how the information is captured and sent from the tracker, the structure of the stream of data, data type specification, etc. This document is not a user manual.
These specifications have to be requested to the tracker manufacturer, and in most cases, is a confidential document.
Note: new integrations are done upon request by qualified customers. For more information, contact support.