How to use route geofences
The route geofence allows for the creation of a virtual perimeter between two points. It can be used in order to ensure that a asset doesn’t leave a predetermined route, and if it does, an alarm can be set to inform the interested party.
Application Configuration
Enable the following Privilege in the VehicleTracker application.
- Log in to Site Admin
- Go to the Applications tab and click on the Manage Application you want to edit
- Search for the privilege _EditRouteGeofence and Enable
- Click on Save
Two ways of creating route geofences
1. Using the Geofence menu
Enable first the Geofence panel if not yet visible on the screen from Main Menu > Window >Geofence
Click on the dropdown menu and select + Route.
Drawing route geofence features
- Snap to the road, taking into account one-way streets and turning restrictions
- The shortest travel time between points is automatically chosen
- Constantly updated street data (OSM planet data)
- Map independent
Mouse controls while drawing
- Click to add a point to the route geofence
- Backspace to remove the last added point
- Double-click to end drawing
Mouse controls while editing
- Left-click on a vertex edge (large square) and move it to a new position
- Left-click in the middle of a vertex (small square) to add a point
- Right-click on a vertex edge (large square) to remove the point
2. Creating route geofences from tracks and trips
In the Daily Summary window, click right on the route and select Create Route Geofence
Once the geofence is created it can be edited as described above in the mouse controls in editing section.
Assign your new route to a group
After creating your new geofence, add it to a group.
You can use an existing group or create a new one to store more new route geofences.
Create a new group
Now your new route geofence is both created and ready to be used, for example, with event rules.