CalAmp commands and inputs configuration

Sending Template Commands from a CalAmp device

GpsGate will automatically add a Message Header to commands sent from the server over UDP to the device. 
If the command starts with "7" GpsGate will add a Message Type 7 Header. The command should be comma separated.

Format 7, Action Code,Data8,Data16,Data32

Action Code should be in decimal.
Data8 should be in hex.
Data16 should be in hex.
Data32 should be in hex.

Example of a location request:

If the command is an AT command GpsGate will add a Message Type 5 Header with App Msg Type. AT (110)

at$app peg action 49 129

You can create a hex command where you include the Message Header yourself. If the command already has a Message Header, GpsGate will not add any additional data to the message.

Hex data is inside brackets. For example [0xA5] is the hex data 0xA5

Printable data is written as ASCII characters.
Example of a location request (same as above but in hex):

Using AppMsgData or UserMsg as inputs from device

If you use "AppMsgData" + "AppMsgType" or "UserMsgID" + "UserMsg" to send device data to the server, use Device Mapper Scripting to parse the data into GpsGate Variables.

Additional information

See attached PDF document.