This provider is an alternative to GpsGate SMS Proxy. It will accept incoming SMS over HTTP, and send outgoing SMS using an HTTP GET request. In this way you can easily make an integration to existing web services that provide SMS.
1. Login to the application. Navigate to Main Menu → Site Admin → Account Settings → SMS Providers
2. Go to the SMS tab. Click the lock and enter your password to make changes.
3. Click + SMS provider
4. Select Http Message Provider.
5. The name can be anything.
6. The URL should be the full HTTP URL to a GpsGate-ready SMS web service. (Or to your integration code, see below).
7. Username and Password for authentication.
8. Add Sender ID
9. Click Save.
10. Configure web service to send SMS to your GpsGate platform.
Now SMS is enabled.
- Use the Send Test SMS feature by navigating to Main Menu → Site Admin → Account Settings → SMS Providers
- All sent and received SMS can be monitored in the Terminal. You can also send SMS directly from the Terminal—more information about the terminal here.
For Developers only
Outgoing SMS from GpsGate
GpsGate sends an SMS using the following HTTP GET request
Where "URL" is the url you specified when adding the "Message Provider" in step 7. above.
If the request to send an SMS fails the HTTP error code should be set. GpsGate will in that case try again every 15 minutes, and give up after 8 hours.
GpsGate -> HTTP -> (Your integration) -> SMS web service
Incoming SMS to GpsGate
After saving the HttpMessageProvider, please click Edit again to see the URL you should send incoming SMS to.
SMS web service -> (Your integration) -> HTTP -> GpsGate
The URL explained
username, pw - This is the username and password specified when configuring the "Message Provider". For incoming SMS the username and password must match, or the response will be HTTP Forbidden.
clientaddress - This is the phone number in MSISDN format. That is a "+" + country code + area code + number. E.g. +1783016454
message - The SMS message itself.
transport - Type of message. This should be set to "sms" for SMS, but can also be set to "orb" for ORBCOMM. If left out "sms" is assumed. This integration method can be used for any kind of message-based communication, including satellite-based messages.
clientdate - UTC date when message was sent from tracker/phone. Format "DDMMYY".
clienttime - UTC time when message was sent from tracker/phone. Format ""
id - ID for message.