GpsGate Android SMS proxy

GpsGate Android SMS Proxy makes it possible to use an Android device with SMS capabilities to send and receive SMS from/to GpsGate using your local telephony provider as an alternative to a web-based SMS provider.

Minimum requirements

  • Android OS 4.1

Downloading the GpsGate SMS Proxy for Android

Download the latest version of SMS proxy from here:

Installing SMS Proxy in an Android device

1. Copy-paste the downloaded APK file, into your phone's storage location.

2. Install the APK file following your phone's instructions. 

Setting up GpsGate Android SMS Proxy

GpsGate Installation

1. Log in to the application. Navigate to Main Menu > Site Admin > Account Settings > SMS Providers

2. Click the + SMS Provider button under Providers and a window opens.

3. Select Proxy Message Provider under Type.

4. Set the Name field to something to describe your new SMS proxy.

5. The Application Tags and Restrict delivery are optional. Read their instructions in case you need them.

6. Scroll down the window and set the Proxy user credentials. You could use any of your choices here. These credentials will be used in the phone application to log in.

7. Set the Sender ID. The Sender ID is the phone number from where your SMS will be sent.

8. Click Save to finish.

Now your SMS proxy should be on the list and enabled, ready to use!

Setting up the Android app

Check that your Android device is capable of both sending and receiving SMS.

1. Open the SMS proxy app installed on your phone.

2. Enter the credentials specified in the setup above.

3. Click on the Start button.


4. Use the Test functionality to verify it's working as expected. For this, click on the Send test SMS button (scroll down in the SMS Providers window), enter the phone number, and click on Send.

Your SMS proxy app is now ready to be used!


  • You are able to see the status of the GpsGate SMS Proxy in your asset notification area while the app is connecting or connected.


  • Please note, while the GpsGate SMS Proxy app is Connected to the server, all SMS received by the tracker will be sent to the server.
  • Make sure to install the app on a device that is purchased specifically for the task of being a GpsGate SMS proxy.


Permanently stuck on Connecting to server

When the Start button is pressed the app will try to connect to GpsGate. It will keep trying to connect to the specified hostname or IP address until it makes a connection. If you see the connecting screen below for more than a minute click the Stop button and check your server address again.


Username or password is incorrect

If the app can connect to the GpsGate but the wrong credentials were supplied, you will see the error message below.


  • Check your credentials against those entered in Main Menu → Site Admin → Account Settings → SMS Providers → Your proxy provider

Viewing your message history

    1. Look on your device's file system on the primary storage drive.

    You can access this either by using a file navigator program on the device or by plugging your device into a PC with a USB cable and browsing its storage.

    2. Find the "GpsGate" folder and browse in the SmsProxy sub-folder.

    3. To find the error log for the day you want to observe, find the files named with the format sms-YYYYMMDD.txt where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day.

    4. You can read this file to see a complete history of outgoing and incoming text messages that were successfully sent by the GpsGate Android SMS Proxy app


If you still experience problems with SMS Proxy, we might have to take a look at the logs. 

Sending the error log

    1. Look in your device's file system on the primary storage drive.

You can access this either by using a file navigator program on the device or by plugging your device into a PC with a USB cable and browsing its storage.

    2. Find the "GpsGate" folder and browse in the SmsProxy sub-folder.

    3. To find the error log for the day you want to observe, find the files named with the format logYYYYMMDD.txt where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day.

    4. This file can be sent to GpsGate support along with your email to provide us with further diagnosis information.

One easy way to send the file is using the "share" functionality on your device and then picking your email app.

Send these logs in a zip file to