Offline expression event rule

Using Offline Expression you can create alerts based on your asset activity, for example, to know if the trackers are connected or not.

This guide describes how to set up an event rule that displays icon alerts for online/offline assets. The icon alert can be shown in the asset list as an additional column.

Additionally, the guide describes how to make a report to know how long those assets have been offline.

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Offline event setup

1. Go to Main Menu > Admin Event Rules from the application's menu.

2. Click on the New Event Rule button

3. Continue until 4. Expressions

4. Select Offline expression from the list.


5. Click on Next

6. Select Icon notification type.

In this example, we'll use red when an offline expression is detected, and green when there's asset activity.


7. Click on Next and continue to the end of the wizard.

8. Save button.

9. Refresh the browser to load the new column Offline.

10. Add the column Offline to the asset's list.

Testing your rule

We recommend using the simulator to test your event rule.

Know how long your assets have been offline

Using the Event Rule report, you can tell for how long those devices have been offline.