Save as file reports in your local file system

The Save as file option in reporting allows exporting your reports into files that will be stored locally in the server's file system. You could use this feature, for example, to generate reports into CSV format that could be later on used to feed your custom system or application.

This feature is only available for On-site installations.


1. Log in to Site Admin
2. Edit the application properties.
3. Select Reporting_EditFileReportSchedule option.

4. Save.

Note: the feature will be activated for an Administrator user inside the application automatically. If you want other user types to have this feature, you need to enable it inside that user role.

Schedule report in application

1. Create an instance of a report.
2. Go to Schedule and select Scheduling active


3. Select your choices about Frequency, Send Time, Range, etc according to your needs.

4. Select Save as file and choose the rest of the parameters according to your needs.


5. Click on Save.

Now, your reports will automatically be saved into your server's local file system.

File location

The files will be saved in the following path:

[GpsGateServer root folder]\FileReports\App_[ApplicationID]\[Username]\[Name of Report]_[yyyyMMdd].[file extention]

  • If there are multiple users in the tag parameter, a report will be saved for each username included in that tag.

Modify the path

There is an NTFS file system feature called Junction. You can use this feature to sync your files to another service like Dropbox.

Running the following command it will link the folder into your Dropbox folder: 

mklink /J c:\your_dropbox_folder c:\[GpsGateServer root folder]\FileReports