Event Rule variables

This article describes the variables you can find by default in your Asset Tracker for your event rule notifications (argument, report arguments, SMS, email, and text notifications). 

Generic variables

These variables apply to all the Expressions in an Event Rule.

Name Variable Description
Rule name [RULE_NAME] The event rule name defined in the asset tracker interface
Trigger time [EVENT_TIME] The local time when the rule has been triggered
Event duration [EVENT_DURATION] The duration of the event until has reached its end state
Asset login id [USER_USERNAME] The username of the unit that generated the event defined in Details
Asset name [USER_NAME] The name assigned to the unit defined in Details
Asset description [USER_DESCRIPTION] The asset description assigned defined in Details
Application name [APPLICATION_NAME] The name of the application where the Event Rule has been executed
Position timestamp [POS_TIME] The time of the last valid/invalid position when the event occurred
Last valid Position time [POS_TIME_LAST_VALID] The time of the last valid position when the event occurred
Latitude [POS_LATITUDE] Latitude of the last position when the event occurred expressed in Signed degrees format
Longitude [POS_LONGITUDE] Longitude of the last position when the event occurred expressed in Signed degrees format
Heading [POS_HEADING] The heading in degrees of the asset at the moment of the event
Address [POS_ADDRESS] Address of the last valid position registered (geocoder dependent)
Map link   http://maps.google.com?q|[POS_LATITUDE],[POS_LONGITUDE] | Google map link to the position where the event occurred

Driver variables

The following variables will be displayed only when a asset generates an event, the proper event rule has been set up for driver identification and the driver identified correctly in the platform:

Name Variable Description
Driver user ID [DRIVER_USER_ID] The driver unique identifier in the database
Driver ID [DRIVER_ID] The driver ID defined in the Driver Info property.
Driver name [DRIVER_NAME] The driver name defined in the Details of the driver.
Driver login id [DRIVER_USERNAME] The driver username defined in the Details of the driver.
Driver description [DRIVER_DESCRIPTION] The driver description defined in the Details of the driver.

Asset variables

The following variables will be displayed only when the driver is the one who triggers the event:

Name Variable Description
Assigned Asset Name [ASSIGNED_VEHICLE_NAME] The asset name assigned to the driver.
Assigned Asset Username [ASSIGNED_VEHICLE_USERNAME] The asset username assigned to the driver.
Assigned Asset ID [ASSIGNED_VEHICLE_ID] The ID of the asset in the database.
Assigned Asset description [ASSIGNED_VEHICLE_DESC] The asset description.
Driver description [DRIVER_DESCRIPTION] The driver description defined in the Details of the driver.

Geofence variables

The following variables will be available when you select 4. Expression a Geofence:

Name Variable Description
Geofence [GEOFENCE_NAME] The name of the geofence given.
Geofence ID [GEOFENCE_ID] The ID of the geofence in the database.

Interval events variables

The following variables will be available when you select 4. Expression Interval Event:

Name Variable Description
Interval kind [Interval kind] CustomPeriodic (unique value).
Current interval start value [Current interval start value] The value that will start the next interval event.
Next interval start value [Next interval start value] The value of the next start increment in your interval.
Initial start value [Initial start value] The initial value set on the Event Rule.
Interval size [Interval size] The interval size number set in the Event Rule.

Time intervals variables

The following variables will be available when you select 4. Expression Time Interval:

Name Variable Description
Time interval kind [Time interval kind] The time interval set in the Event Rule.
Initial start time [Initial start time] The initial time interval set in the Event Rule.
Current interval start time [Current interval start time] The current interval start time.
Custom time interval length [Custom time interval length] The length of the custom time interval set in the rule.
Next interval start time [Next interval start time] The next time interval.
DateTimeServer [_DateTimeServer] The date & time of the server localized

Point of interest variables

The following variables will be available when you activate in Privileges and Features -> Point of Interests in your application and select 4. Expression Points of Interest:

Name Variable Description
POI ID [POI_ID] The ID of the POI in the database.
POI NAME [POI_NAME] The name set when creating the POI.
POI DESCRIPTION [POI_DESCRIPTION] The description set when creating the POI.
POI Category name [POI_CATEGORY_NAME] The name of the category where the POI was created into.
POI Category description [POI_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION] The description of the POI category.

Speeding expression variables

The following variables will be available when you activate the plugin Speeding Expression in your application and select 4. Expression Speeding Expression:

Name Variable Description
Speed Limit [SPEEDING_SPEED_LIMIT] The speed limit used during the evaluation of the Event Rule
Road Category [SPEEDING_ROAD_CATEGORY] The road category such as Motorway or Primary road
Is Speed Limit Fallback [SPEEDING_IS_SPEED_FALLBACK] True if the speed limit used was a fallback value, otherwise false (data taken from OSM)
POI Category name [POI_CATEGORY_NAME] The name of the category where the POI was created into.
POI Category description [POI_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION] The description of the POI category.