Malaysia MOT Data Forward Plugin
Malaysia Land Transport Ministry - GPS Gateway integration
Malaysia MOT Data Forward is an electronic platform that enables the Public Transport Authority in Malaysia to monitor and control the land transport to raise their level of quality, safety, and security.
To integrate Malaysia MOT Data Forward with GpsGate, follow this guide.
1. Log in to Site Admin (Legacy)> Plugins > Get More Plugins
2. Install the plugin Malaysia MOT Data Forward
Enable the privilege for the application
1. In Main Menu > Site Admin> navigate to Manage application > Privileges and Plugins
2. Enable the "MalaysiaMotDataForward" plugin as below
Add Custom Field for the Malaysia MOT Data Forward
1. Create a new custom field for storing the asset plate number
2. Enable the newly added custom field on the Device User Type
3. Add the asset plate number for the assets that will send data
Configure the Malaysia MOT Data Forward
1. Within the application, go to the Main Menu> Admin -> Malaysia MOT
2. In the popup window, input:
- API Key
- API Password
- Select the tag which includes all the assets that require sending data
- Select the newly added custom field for asset plate number
Now the Malaysia MOT Data Forward configuration is finished and ready to use.
Note: You can disable or delete the configuration if needed.
How it works:
- The plugin sends the positions of assets that belong to the selected tag once the configuration is done.
- The position will be sent 15 seconds after the previous position gets sent.
- The position will only be sent when the device sends its position to GpsGate within the last 15 seconds.
- Please make sure all the assets are submitted for verification by the Malaysia Land Transport Ministry before processing the data.