Asset Status Templates

Creating templates will allow you to choose the inputs you need to display. The templates are editable from both the pop-over and the Admin menu. On the pop-over menu, you are editing the template used at that moment for that asset, while in the Admin menu, you have access to all your templates.

On the pop-over

To edit the input list for the pop-over menu, click on the top right corner icon - Edit template on the Asset Status for any asset.


On the Admin menu

You can also access this via the Main Menu > Admin > Asset Status Templates.

You can add a new template, duplicate an existing template, or edit an existing custom template.

Tip: duplicate the default template to start with some info and icons already populated.


Select the content and quick actions you'd like to include on the marker. 


Action buttons:


To add a new button click on + Action Button on the top right corner, or click on existing buttons to edit the commands.


Assign a template to a asset

You can assign a template to one user at a time via Edit User > Marker > Asset Status settings. 


After saving, you will see your custom asset status:


Assign templates in batch mode

To assign to multiple users, enable the Asset Status Template from User Type. Then use Batch Edit to assign it to users as desired.


Troubleshooting / FAQ

One (or more) of the quick actions buttons isn't displaying.

-A user must have the proper privileges for all quick actions to show (e.g. if a user doesn't have Publish privileges to share a asset location, that quick action will not show on the asset status).

The template name can't be found when I try to batch-edit users. What's wrong?

- Be sure that the Asset Status template is enabled for the User Type first. You should then be able to assign it via batch edit.
