Asset Status

Asset status lets you see everything about the asset on the map or in its panel with specific information. Included in the feature are templates to let you choose which data to display. Quick action buttons are also available to edit. Quick actions let you go to different zoom levels with one click, share the asset location, draw different track date ranges, and more. You can create a custom asset status template for each role or job function.

Different asset status templates make sure that each user has the data they need to do their jobs, making workflows easier.

  • Customizable built-in toolbar (you can add buttons to trigger direct actions like drawing today's tracks, zooming in, sharing asset location, editing the asset, etc).
  • Display icon sets
  • Display event badges (like the number of open events).

Asset Status Popover 

The popover asset status provides the information you need in a geographic context via the map.

Read the guide how to enable the Asset Status pop-over.


Asset Status Panel

Read the guide how to enable the Asset Status Panel.
