Customize the asset status panel with key daily statistics

Use the asset status panel to display real-time daily statistics for the selected asset. This allows a view of the daily stats directly in the application without running reports. 

What kinds of daily statistics can you add?

  • Driving time / trip
  • Maximum speed
  • Distance today (works with tracker Odometer)
  • Fuel consumption
  • Engine hours

You can create a sort of 'single view of a asset' - all the critical information available with one click.

Let’s run through the case shown in the screenshot below. We’ll add today's total driving time, total driving distance today, and today’s maximum speed.

Daily driving time

To create a Daily driving time, follow the flexible accumulators guide.

Distance and Max Speed

1. Create two variables, one called Distance_Today(Type: System.Double ,Unit: _odometer) and the other Max_Speed(Type: System.Double ,Unit: NUMBER_DECIMAL_1)

2. Import this event rule using the import method shown in this guide

3. If the odometer values are mapped from the device, change the odometer variable in the event rule script to the one being used for the assets.

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 16.50.26.png

4. Add the column Daily Distance and Max Speed to the Asset panel.

5. Add Distance_Today and Max_Speed to asset status template and Track points. 

You can add more variables to the event rule or accumulator to capture and display more stats in the panel.


Note: The status resets every day at midnight. This may result in partial data if you view the stats immediately after setup. They will be accurate and complete following the next midnight reset.