Create/edit geocoding configurations
This plugin enables you to create new geocoders. You may, for example, want to create a new geocoder that first checks geofences, then POIs - and as a final resort Native Map and/or Google. This is easily done using this geocoder.
1. Log in to Site Admin (Legacy)
2. Go to Plugins > Get more plugins
3. Download and install the plugin named Geocoder.
Edit and create new Geocoders
1. In Site Admin (Legacy), go to Maps > Geocoder
2. Put a name for your new geocoder, then Click on New in the list of available geocoders, to the bottom right
3. Once it has been added to the list, Edit this geocoder to change its preferences
4. In the Geocoder Details section, ensure you include a URL for the geocoder service used by this geocoder provider.
5. Select Insert every time to add the desired components in order. Save when you're done.
IMPORTANT: Notice that you should keep the Cache always as a priority to avoid overusing the geocoder. This will significantly increase performance and use fewer round trips to the external service. This is in particular important if you use a service with a limited number of geocoding requests per day like Google. Using Cache typically saves 80% of the external requests.
NOTE: Only one Cache provider per geocoder will be effective.
Enable the new geocoder in your application(s)
1. Go to the Navigate to Main Menu> Site Admin→ Applications → Manage Applications
2. Maps and Geocoder section -> select the custom Geocoder created/ edited.
3. Click on Save to save these changes to your application.
Batch-Edit applications for Geocoder:
1. Open Site Admin (Legacy)
2. Go to Applications -> Batch Edit section
3. Select Edit Properties -> Next
4. Navigate to the Geocoding section - make your changes and press next
5. Select the applications and Save the setup
Turn off Live Address
You can turn off Live Address for the entire server under Site Admin (Legacy) >Applications -> Batch Edit.
If you just want to enable/disable Live Address for specific applications use the _LiveAddress privilege. You can read more about this here.