Integrate MapTiler and OpenMapTiles raster or vector tile maps into GpsGate

With this integration method, you will be able to add your open-source maps, like raster or vector tile-based maps into the GpsGate server. This guide is focused on Maptiler cloud integration. 

More info at:


  • Self-hosted/cloud tiles link in JSON style format.

You can generate this file yourself (example), or use Mapbox specs that you can find here.



1. Go to Site Admin (Legacy)> Plugins > Get More Plugins and install the Mapbox plugin.

2. Return to the Application and navigate: Site Admin › Maps & Geocoders and paste your JSON style URL in the map_id box (leave the other empty):

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 16.30.55.png

3. Click on Save.

4. Enable the map from Site Admin › Applications › Manage Applications › select your application -> click on section Maps and Geocoders.

5. Tick the MapBox and Save the changes. 

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 16.33.38.png

7. Select Mapbox as your map choice:

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 16.36.08.png

Now you can use your custom map on the application GUI.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 16.37.53.png


If your tile map is particularly created for one specific region or area, to easily locate the map on the interface, type in the search box at the top-right: ...<lat>, <long> (note the 3 dots at the beginning, that should be included):

Additional notes

This method works for maptiler/openmaptiles and it might enable other vector-based maps that work similarly too. If you have feedback, please contact support for more information.