Advanced Features
This guide explains some additional advanced features you get when clicking on Show more options in the Advanced tab of the GpsGate Splitter.
Where settings files are saved
By default, settings are saved under My Documents\GpsGate\Instances. This means that each user account on a computer will have separate settings.
If you want all users on the same computer to share the same settings, go to the Advanced tab in the Settings dialog. Click on Show more options and then check Share settings for all user accounts. You need to restart GpsGaSplitter for the settings to take effect.
When users share settings, they are saved under \Program Files\Franson\GpsGate 2.x\Instances which is the same directory where GpsGate Splitter 2.0 is installed. You need to configure GpsGate Splitter again if no previous settings are saved at the new location. You can run the wizard again, configure GpsGate Splitter manually, or copy the Instances directory from the old location. GpsGate Splitter will never delete any settings when making this change. You must be logged in as an administrator to make this change and to configure GpsGate Splitter in shared mode.
Close input when nothing is connected to outputs
To save battery on a Bluetooth GPS, it can be a good thing to close the GPS input connection when no GPS application is connected to the output. You can enable this option by selecting Close input when no outputs are opened in the Input tab of the Settings dialog. By default, it is turned off. To see this option, click Show more options in the Advanced tab.
Block data to and from the output
By default, all data is written to output. For example, data written back to a virtual port by an application is also written back to the input (GPS). You can block data from a specific output by selecting Block data from output before you add the output plugin. In a similar way, you can select Block data to Output.
Multiple instances
GpsGate Splitter 2.x can be run in multiple instances. This means GpsGate Splitter can handle several GPS receivers as inputs and route its data to different places. GpsGate Splitter can also be used to route none GPS data. All input and output plugins that do not have a filter will pass all types of data through.
Go to the Advanced tab in the Settings dialog. There you can create, select, rename, and delete instances. The settings for each instance will be saved under a new subfolder in the Instances folder.
You can route data between the different instances. The NMEA logger and GPS simulator can be used for each instance.
Activate and deactivate an instance
When using several instances, it can be convenient to deactivate and activate them. By unchecking Active in the Advanced tab, an instance will be deactivated. All its inputs and outputs will be closed until the instance is activated again or the input is opened manually again.