NMEA logger
With the NMEA logger, you can record and replay data from your GPS, and use it for later playback or other custom use. Standard NMEA sentences are stored in the log file.
Record data
To start recording data from the GPS, you need to add a File Recorder to GpsGate output.
Open the Settings dialog from the Tray menu and click on the Output tab. Then select File Recorder > NMEA Filter from the drop-down, and click Add.
A dialog will open where you can select a file to save the GPS data into. A name from the current date and time will be suggested. By default log files are saved under My Documents\GpsGate\GpsLog. Click OK if you agree with the preselected filename.
You can also select if you want a new log file to be created in a specified interval. GpsGate will, in that case, save the log files in the selected folder, and name them Log YYYY-MM-DD HHMMSS.nmea.
Filter recorded data
In the next step, you can select how much data from the GPS you want to save. If you want all data to be saved, simply click OK. If you have some knowledge of the NMEA format you can specify filters that block specific sentences and store data in intervals, this will save disk space needed by your log files.
Playback recorded data
Open the NMEA Logger window from the tray menu or from the Settings dialogs Input tab.
To playback a log file. Click Play in the NMEA Logger window and select the log file to playback.
If you check Reset time GpsGate will change the timestamp of the NMEA data to the current (UTC) time. Repeat will make GpsGate automatically restart the log file when it has reached its end. Use Rewind and Forward to change the playback speed. And use “+/- min” and “+/- hour” to browse back and forward in the log file.