GpsGate On-site installation

This article is a step-by-step guide of GpsGate On-Premise installation. 


Read GpsGate requirements before starting with the installation.


1. Download the installer.

2. Execute it as an 'Administrator',

3. The following screen will be presented:

Click Next to get started.

4. Database selection:

We recommend you selecting MySQL as the database.

Click Next.

5. Your database password is auto-generated. 

Click on Show to visualize and copy it to a safe place.

Note: this password is not for log in into the GpsGate platform. This password is to have access to your database data if needed in the future (for example, to perform DB backups or restores). We don't encourage making changes in the DB system. Performing changes in the database system, invalidates your support agreement with GpsGate).


Click on Next.

6. Leave the default paths and click Next.

If you need to customize personalized paths, change the parameters below:

  • Virtual directory: the sub path of the URL of your server. For example, if the Virtual directory is "gpsgateserver", then, the final URL after the installation will be yourserver/gpsgateserver
  • File path: where in the server's hard disk the platform will be installed.


7. Wait until you see this screen.

Click on Continue.


The core installation is finished! 

Next Step, GpsGate setup

mceclip2.pngFinish your GpsGate On-site setup in the browser: creating your first admin user and application.