Creating Camera event rules for Meitrack trackers

Ensure you have the Camera plugin installed and the Meitrack plugin updated.

Creating an Event Rule to Trigger Picture Taking:

1. In your application, navigate to Main Menu -> Admin -> Event Rules -> Add new Event Rule.
2. Complete the event rule wizard form. (For instance, create a rule to take a picture when the asset exits a geofence.)
3. During the notification step of the event rule wizard, add a command notifier as shown below:
4. Save the event rule.

Creating an Event Rule to Automatically Upload Pictures:

Meitrack trackers typically take a picture when the driver presses the SOS button. You can automate the process of retrieving the image using the Event Code in the Event Rules.

1. Map the following signals for your tracker in Main Menu > Admin > Device Mapper.

To set up an event rule for uploading pictures from the tracker:

1. In your application, navigate to Main Menu >Admin -> Event Rules -> Add new Event Rule.
2. Complete the event rule wizard form.
3. In the expressions step of the rule wizard, create the expressions as shown below:
4. In the notification step of the rule wizard, create a command notifier as shown below:
5. Save the event rule.


Ensure that:

- A microSD card is installed in the card slot.
- There is sufficient space on the microSD card to store pictures.
- The camera is connected to the correct port (Camera 1).

Enabling Two Cameras for MVT600:

1. Go to Site Admin (Legacy)-> Devices -> Types.
2. Select Meitrack MVT600 for the Device Type.
3. In the Instance selector, choose the device definition instance where you want to enable two cameras.
4. Change the "Camera Ports" meta field to 1,2.
5. Click Save.