Reporting could not get rendered


  • The report gets the error message: "Error Executing Reader". 

  • In the NMEA error log, you get the error as:

    ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(w) Driver][mysqld-8.0.18]Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceeded (System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException)


The SQL command times out. The default timeout is 120 seconds.
(Note: the March 2021 release will increase the default timeout to 600 seconds.)


To increase the SQL command timeout manually, please edit the file c:\GpsGateServer\Franson NMEA Service\GpsGate.Service.exe.config

Add the following tag inside the <appSettings> tag.

<add key="CommandTimeout" value="600" />

This increases the SQL command timeout to 10 minutes (600 seconds).