Speeding Expression
The Speeding Expression plugin allows you to create Event Rules based on real speed limits from OSM (openstreetmap.org), while allowing you to provide fallback values when real speed limit is not available.
This guide explains how to install and set up the Speeding Expression.
1. Log in to Site Admin (Legacy)> Plugins > Get More Plugins and install SpeedingExpression
2. Return to an application under Main Menu > Site Admin, go to the application Privileges and Plugins > SpeedingExpression and enable _EditSpeedingExpression
3. Click on Save
Legacy licensing model
If you are using legacy licenses, follow these steps to request the Speeding Expression plugin:
1. Obtain a GpsGate Map client API key by emailing support@gpsgate.com. Please supply the hostname / IP address of the server(s) that will use the API key.
2. Once you got your key, in Site Admin, navigate to Settings > Services Account > Api Key and paste your key in the box.
3. Click on Save
Speeding Expression: Event Rule
The next step is to configure an Event Rule in order to trigger the speeding notifications. The new rule that we will create, will make use of the Speeding Expression plugin. Configure it as follows:
1. Log in to the application and go to Main Menu > Admin > Event Rules
2. Continue until step 4. Expression and select here Speeding Expression.
3. Now a form will show different road types with their default speed limits. You can change the limits according to your local regulations.
- Fill in the Limits for the speeds on each of those road types. Change these limits if necessary according to local regulations.
- In the middle column you have Multipliers. In most situations, leave them with the value 1.
- The third column Tolerances allows you to define the tolerance value for which the over-speeding will be triggered. This speed is added to the Limit in the first column. For instance, if you have a speed limit of 40 and you add 10 km/h for tolerance, the alert will trigger if the asset goes over 50 km/h.
4. Once you have filled in the values, complete the event rule setup and click on Save at the end.
Notification Variables
With Speeding Expression, you can make use of the following variables for your Event Rules.
For example, they could be used Report Arguments for your EV1000 report.
Variable | Description |
SPEEDING_SPEED_LIMIT | The speed limit used during the evaluation of the Event Rule (data taken from OSM) |
SPEEDING_ROAD_CATEGORY | The road category such as Motorway or Primary road (data taken from OSM) |
SPEEDING_SPEED_LIMIT_WITH_TOLERANCE | This variable is the speed limit * Multiplier + Tolerance. If we don't know the limit from OSM it will be what you entered in Limit. |
SPEEDING_IS_SPEED_FALLBACK | This variable could be True/False. When true, what you enter in the Limit column will be used as speed fallback only if no real speed limit is found on the location from OSM. |
For instance, if in your Event Rule, you configure the 5. Notifications with these report arguments:
You can use this rule with the EV1000 report to show your asset speeding:
To avoid many unnecessary over speeding events, you may want to add a delay option to your event rule. This way, the over speeding event will be triggered only after the specified number of minutes the asset remain over speeding.
About OSM (OpenStreetMap)
OpenStreetMap is an open source map data service created by users all around the world.
“OpenStreetMap powers map data on thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices. OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.”
Reported speed limits on OpenStreetMap can be checked using https://www.openstreetbrowser.org/.
As a “mapper” you can improve the speed data for your area, read more at: https://www.openstreetmap.org/about