EC1003 Eco Report

This guide covers the setup and configuration of the EC1003 Eco Report Simplified, including plugin installation and tracker signal mapping. The report tracks key driving behaviors such as harsh driving, speeding, and idling, and assigns a score to each asset. It uses a colour-coded RAG (Red, Amber, Green) system to display performance levels.

Follow this guide to install and configure the Eco Report for accurate results. 

Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 15.22.56.png


A tracker that supports harsh driving signals (acceleration, turning, braking) and can read Seat belt status. 

Step 1: Installing the Eco Report

Follow these steps to install the Eco Report Simplified on your server:

1. Log in to your Site Admin (Legacy).
2. Import the attached template - EC1003 Eco Report. (find the attachment at the end of the guide)

Step 2: Configuring the Device Mapper

For the EC1003 report to function correctly, you need to map your tracker's harsh driving signals to the appropriate variables using the Device Mapper.

1. Go to Main Menu >Admin > Device Mapper in your application.
2. Click Edit for the tracker compatible with harsh driving signals.
3. Map the Ignition input from your tracker to the GpsGate Ignition variable to ensure proper idle time calculations.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 14.05.13.pngNote: The ignition signal may come from a different input on your tracker._
4. Map the harsh driving signals from your tracker to the following variables:
- Digital inputs: Map to HarshAccelerationDigital, HarshBrakingDigital, and HarshTurningDigital.

- Map the Seat belt input with the variable SeatBeltState; If you do not have this variable please create one and assign it to your input data. 

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 14.23.59.png

5. Save your changes and close the Device Mapper window.

Step 3: Configuring the Event Rule

Event rules fall into two main categories:

1. Report Event Rules (Mandatory): Required for generating the EC1003 Eco Report.
2. Real-Time Event Rules (Optional): These provide additional insights into fleet actions in real-time but are not essential for the report.

  • 1st Category (Mandatory for EC1003 Eco Report)

To configure the mandatory event rules for the report:

1. Enable Privileges: Ensure the following privileges are activated: _ImportTemplate,  _EditScriptExpression. (from Privileges and Plugins)

2. Import the Event Rule: Import the RAG Scripted Eco Report event rule into your Application.

  • 2nd Category (Optional for Real-Time Events)

For additional visibility into fleet activity, you can set up the following real-time event rules:

1. Import Additional Events: These events can be manually created or imported. Below are details on configuring expressions for each event rule.

Seat Belt Event
The seat belt event is triggered is the SeatBeltState is false AND speed is greater than 4km/h and Ignition is on.

Note: The SeatBeltState variable (a boolean custom variable) is required. If it doesn’t already exist in your system, you must create it.  

Speeding eventScreenshot 2024-10-02 at 14.24.24.png

Harsh Acceleration event: 

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 14.16.07.png

Harsh Braking event:

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 14.16.51.png

Harsh Turning event:

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 14.17.15.png

By configuring both categories, you ensure the Eco Report runs correctly and have the option to track real-time events for better fleet management.

Step 4: Configuring and activating the Report

1. Activate the report by enabling the privilege in the application.

2. Create an instance of the report in the application and update the parameters:

In this step, we’ll configure the performance ranges that categorize data into “Good,” “Average,” and “Bad” based on user-defined thresholds. The user defines the starting and ending values for each range to determine how the data is classified.

Performance Ranges:

The user specifies the range for "Good" starting at 0, followed by the "Average" range, and finally, any value exceeding the "Average" range is classified as "Bad."

Here’s an example:

Range Start Value End Value Description
Good 0 150 Values within this range are considered good.
Average 151 350 Values within this range are considered average.
Bad 351 500 Any value above 350 is classified as bad.

Based on the example above, the parameters are set as follows:

Range Max Value
Class - Good - End 150
Class - Average - End 350


Each event contributes 1 point. If there are more than 100 events, the maximum score remains capped at 100 points, regardless of the actual number of events. To view the precise number of events that occurred during a specific period, refer to the event rules created separately.

The report can also be configured to operate with weighted values and the score can be normalized by distance. If you are interested in setting this up, please contact GpsGate support by submitting a ticket.


By following these steps, you'll successfully set up and configure the Eco Report Simplified for your assets, allowing you to monitor driving behaviors and produce accurate reports.
