How to use Fuel Consumption with REST API

This guide will show you how to create Fuel Refill reports using REST API replacing the legacy XML file format.


The Fuel Consumption resource will require the following information to be entered, read here how to obtain them:

Resource used

  • FuelConsumption > Post

Creating fuel consumption events

1. Log in to http://host_name/comGpsGate/api/v.1/test 

Note: replace host_name with your actual server IP address or host name.

2. Click on the resource name POST/applications/...../fuelconsumption > Try it out option.


3. Introduce the details of the Fuel Consumption event which are:

4. Click on Execute


5. If the command succeeded, you will see the response in the Response area with the data introduced:


Now your fuel consumption event will be displayed on the GUI
