Developing custom panels using REST API resources

Custom panels are a powerful way to extend GpsGate functionality for your customers. You can dynamically display data from other business systems. Our developer section has some ideas on real-world custom panel use cases. You can also reference these articles:

Custom panels are mashups, displaying using content from multiple sources in a single GUI on a webpage. You can develop mashup panels in the application using GpsGate REST API resources. Learn more about mashups on Wikipedia.

Available API resources

GpsGate releases new API resources on a regular basis.

To see a list of available resources, please visit this page on your GpsGate platform: http://host_name/comGpsGate/api/v.1/test (replace host_name with your actual server IP address or hostname).


Custom panels are simple HTML pages that are hosted on your GpsGate platform. Since VehicleTracker and custom panels are both hosted on the same server under the same domain, you can communicate with GpsGate REST API resources without authentication. In practice, authorization is done in the background using the information in your session, which is available after login to VehicleTracker.

Hosting best practices 

Host all your custom panels under \GpsGateServer\IIS\VehicleTracker\CustomPanels folder.