Accumulator types: custom accumulators

With custom accumulators, you can reset a signal based on accumulators on a daily basis or with an input signal. You'll be able to show those accumulators in the Vehicles list.

This is very useful if you for example want to measure engine hours, daily driving time, start and end odometer readings, or continuous driving time.




This example shows how to show both daily driving time and driving time for the latest trip. The input signal Engine is used to count time. The first accumulator called “Today” is reset daily and the second accumulator called “Trip” is reset when the engine is turned off, with a 15-minute delay.

You can also add Start and End Odometer readings in the Daily Summary panel. This allows you to better track the total distance driven within a specific time frame of your choosing.




Application setup

Enable the following Privileges in the application.

1. Log in to an application using a Site Admin user.

2. Go to the application privileges, and enable the following privileges:

_BatchEditUsers,  _EditAccumulatorType and _EditDeviceMapperScript


3. Click on Save to save your application

Device mapper setup

In this example, we will use Ignition as the input that triggers the events we need in the accumulator. 

1. Open the Device Mapper.

2. Go to 4. Scripts and select CustomBoolean1 as the output of the script

3. Click on +Add to add a new script, set a name for it, then click on Edit. 


4. Enter the following script: return !fields.get('Ignition',false);

The script inverts the Ignition signal to be used to reset the Trip accumulator later on.


5. Save the Device Mapper.

Repeat these steps (1-5) for each device type you want to have this feature.

Setup Accumulators

Follow these steps to create the accumulators “Today” and “Trip”.

1. Go to Admin → Accumulator Types


2. Click on + Type

3. Give your accumulator the name Driving today with the following settings:


4. Click on Save.

5. Create a new accumulator with the name Trip with the following settings:


6. Click on Save.

Assign the accumulators to your vehicles

The next step, is to assign the accumulators to the vehicles:

1. Edit a vehicle.


2. Go to Accumulators and click on + Accumulator

Add Driving Today and Trip accumulators to the vehicle.


3. Click on Save to save these changes to the user.

Note: If you need to apply these changes to many vehicles at once, use instead Batch Edit User tool.

Show Accumulators in the Vehicles panel

Finally, we want to show the accumulators in the Vehicles list.

1. Click on the right of the Vehicles panel and select the two accumulators. 

If you don't see them, use Manage Columns option to add them here.


2. Save your Workspace to keep the changes.

Add accumulators to your reports

To add an accumulator to reports, follow this guide.


Currently, the accumulators with reset capabilities (of type active time with reset) only display information in real-time, accumulator history is not available.