How the odometer works in GpsGate

Odometer setup

An odometer is something that measures the total distance a asset has traveled. There are two types of odometers in GpsGate. Device odometer and server/virtual odometer.

Device Odometer

Many but not all GPS trackers have a built-in odometer. The main advantage of having an odometer is accuracy. 

If your device supports odometer reading, you can activate it in the Device Mapper.

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Server odometer

The server/virtual odometer is a GpsGate accumulator (in the image GPS distance). 

GPS distance is the distance between every position update sent from the tracker to the server.

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It will accumulate the distance traveled by a asset over time.

Enable the odometer to the asset

By default, the Odometer is not enabled when you create a user. To activate it, follow these steps:

1. For editing the user properties, right-click on the asset in the Assets panel, and select Edit User.

2. Under Accumulators,  you can set a new odometer value at any time.

Note: the value displayed on the asset information is the starting point, from which we increment the kilometers using the GPS Distance Odometer.

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If you use the tracker odometer on the device mapper, you must enable the Device odometer option on the user configuration page.

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Reports and tracks

All reports and tracks will utilize the activated odometer. In the absence of an enabled odometer, GPS distance will be employed.

When generating a custom report requiring odometer data, ensure consistency by configuring the same type of odometer in the Device Mapper, Device Setup, and within the reports themselves.

Adjusting the GPS Distance(Odometer) value

To edit the odometer, you need to edit the user and introduce a new value and the choice of a date:

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When you do a change/modification to an Odometer for a specific date, then the odometer will create a correction for that date and adjust the current value.

Example 1

An example:

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 14.57.39.png

Making a correction at T2 and set the value to 10 will correct T3 and the value will be changed to 15 (T3 = Set value on T2 (10) + diff (5) = 15): 

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 14.57.29.png

Example 2

Let's try with an example where the value of T3 was 15:

1. We do a correction of T3 and set it to 10

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 14.58.39.png

2. We later set the value of T2 > 10, so the status of the odometer at T4 will be as follows:

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 14.59.48.png

This means that if you do a correction anytime between T2 and T3, it will be reflected from that time until T3 (not until T4), where we have a set value. That way, the system can get historical values for accumulators at any given time in the past.

Effect upon changing the odometer in the device mapper

If you change the odometer, you need to reprocess reports and tracks for the change to affect historical data. New data will always use the currently selected odometer.

Read how to reprocess tracks here.