Indoor Position Tracking

The Indoor Position Tracking plugin is currently in preview release. Learn how to get access to beta features.

This guide describes how to enable the use of indoor position tracking in GpsGate and how to configure the indoor position tracking.

How the Indoor Position Tracking plugin works

  • When the assets are running indoors, GPS is not available and it's hard to locate their positions. For setup of this solution, you must set up a couple of iBeacons indoors and have all their latitudes, longitudes, building levels, and Beacon ID in a csv file.  What is iBeacon?
  • The CSV file will be uploaded in GpsGate as a matching list. When the asset reports back the iBeacon, the system will use the list to find out the appropriate lat/lon coordinates and use it as asset's position variables. 
  • GpsGate uses the stongest iBeacon ID which sending from a Teltonika tracker with specific firmware. They will then report back the strongest iBeacon from the tracker directly, and GpsGate will update accordingly.
  • Note: if the asset is receiving the iBeacon, the GPS signal will be ignored. 
  • Only Teltonika FMC130/FMC640/FMB125/FMB640 are currently supported for this plugin. 



Indoor Position Tracking Plugin Install

  1. Log in to Site Admin (Legacy)
  2. Go to the Plugins tab
  3. Make sure all plugins are up to date (on the Plugins tab)
  4. Install the Indoor Position Tracking plugin from
  5. Enabling the Indoor Position System plugin on the application
    Go to the application Privileges and Features.
    Once in the Privileges and Features, navigate to Plugins > Indoor Positioning System and activate it.



Indoor Position Tracking Configuration

Once the plugin is installed and enabled in the application, you can log in to the application where you would like to use indoor position tracking. Navigate to Main Menu > Site Admin > Devices > Indoor Positioning System to find this feature. Log in with a user who has Site Admin access so that you have access to the indoor positioning system menu that will now show in your app. 

Using the menu, you can create a new profile and upload the matching list. Then, assign the profile to the asset.

  • Name: the name of the profile.
  • Description: an optional note for your use of the indoor position tracking profile
  • Choose File:  upload the matching list here. Click here to download the sample csv file. 











  • Use minimum satellite value: choose if the tracker should turn to use GPS with a minimum satellite number.  
  • Minimum Satellite Count:  the minimum number of satellites for using indoor position tracking. 

After creating the profile, you need to enable it on the asset. Note: Teltonika FMC130/FMC640/FMB125/FMB640 assets are currently supported.

Important variables:

StrongestBeaconID: With the specific firmware of Teltonika FMC130/FMC640/FMB125/FMB640, they will return the "StrongestBeaconID" when scanning the iBeacons which comes from  AVL ID 549. The Indoor Position Tracking plugin will use the "StrongestBeaconID" to match the list (which you uploaded in the profile) and set the latitude and longitude for the tracker along with the additional values. (Note: You don't need to map this variable, as the Indoor Position Tracking plugin will use it automatically.) 

The  strongest Beacon ID is as below format: 

For example:
StrongestBeaconID = 3A9C585952534A86ACFF997C0F37088A00090002
UUID = 3A9C585952534A86ACFF997C0F37088A
Major = 0009
Minor = 0002

IndoorPosition: The plugin will return another input 'IndoorPosition'  which shows if the position was resolved using Indoor Positioning Tracking or not.

IndoorPosition_AdditionalParameters:  The plugin will return the additional parameters from the matching list and show all of the additional parameters in this variable. You can use the script device mapper to find the parameter that you would like to use.

Format: Param1 = val1,Param2 = val2, etc......