Using GpsGate support content with your end users

Providing your end users with training, tutorials, and tips is key to having happy and loyal customers. It's not always possible to provide on-site training to each customer or their new employees. That's where the GpsGate support portal comes in.

We work hard to make sure that there is a 'how to' guide for each feature. Our guides are simple to follow, with detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions.

You can use this content directly with your end customers. Simply copy and paste. You can add your own branded screenshots, and of course, change the GpsGate product name. 

You can already in the support portal, and you can find a full list of the support guides here.

Note: you may NOT use GpsGate Support content directly on your publicly-facing website, promotional material, etc. Copied content should be emailed directly to customers or only accessible with a login.