Statistic plugin
The statistic plugin shows statistics on device usage per application. Additionally, we now support Application Tag used for grouping applications.
Statistics are a way to gather information about the way customers use services. The statistics are accessible in Site Admin. Statistics are detailed per application tag and per application. Application tags allow you to group applications.
Statistics provides information on:
- Total devices
- Active devices
- Device usage
- Number of logins
- Accumulated login time
How to install or upgrade the plugin
- Log in to Site Admin (Legacy).
- Go to the Plugins tab.
- Under My Plugins tab, make sure all plugins are up to date.
- Under the Get More Plugins tab, make sure that the Statistic plugin is installed and up to date.
Provide Privilege for the SiteAdmin:
1. Navigate to Site Admin › Users › Site Admin Roles
2. Select the _Administrator role of the Site Admin account
2. Search for Pages > Statistic and ensure the privilege is ticked.
Users › Site Admin Roles
Initial setup after installation - Setting up application tags
If you are upgrading the feature and have already set up application tags, this section does not apply.
After the installation of the Statistic plugin, an initial task is set up automatically. This task starts a command processing historical statistic data. A nightly task is also installed to process any missing statistical data. Under normal conditions, the nightly task just processes yesterday's statistics.
The statistic feature uses the application tags to show statistics on groups of applications. As there are no application tags set up by default, you will have to define at least one application tag. Follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the main page under Site Admin > Application> Application Tag
2. Press on the button + Application tag
4. You will now see the following page. Where you select the application that will be part of the tag.
Note: While you can select all applications, we recommend limiting to 10 for readability in the statistical view.
5. Save the tag
You can create as many application tags as needed, but each must have a unique name. The system will prompt for a new name if there's a duplicate. You can also edit or delete application tags on this page.
How to access statistics data
1. Log in to Site Admin (Legacy).
2. Go to the Statistic tab.
3. You will see the following page:
If you see the additional yellow note as displayed in the figure don’t hesitate, as it just informs you that the initial statistic task has not started yet. Alternatively, there might be a note telling you that this task is currently running and processing is still going on.
When the statistic task has already run you should see something similar to the following:
Statistic Page Sections: Controls, Dashboard, and Detailed View
Controls: Set up the data display by choosing an application tag, data resolution (annually, weekly, daily), and start/end dates. Use the popup calendar, input field, or left/right buttons to select dates.
Hint: To navigate by year, set the resolution to annually, adjust the date, and then choose the desired resolution.
Dashboard: Shows available statistics and previews selected data. The preview includes data from all applications with the chosen tag, with the background color indicating trends (green for increasing, red for decreasing). Arrows indicate the number of applications with positive or negative trends. A black border denotes the selected dashboard for a detailed view.
Clicking a dashboard or arrows selects data for a detailed view. Dashboard clicks select all applications with the tag, while arrow clicks select applications with the respective trend.
Detailed View: Displays data per application in graph and table formats. Hover over graph points for values. The table view supports filtering, sorting, and column selection.