Payment plugin

The Payment plugin provides an overview and history of payment-related information for a GpsGate account. It is intended as a tool for tracking partners for easy management of customer payments. Are you looking for info on GpsGate billing? Click here.

Here is some key functionality provided by the Payment plugin:

  • Export payment information about your end customer applications, such as the monthly cost based on application license limit or a number of assets. This information can be used as a basis for an external billing system
  • List current payment status for all applications
  • Send email notifications about upcoming and overdue payments
  • Search and manage payments
  • Display a login notification about payments to the end customer administrator in a customer application
  • List upcoming payments and payment history in-app for end customer administrators
  • Optional PayPal integration for an automated payment solution


To install and start using the Payment plugin, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Site Admin (Legacy) > Plugins > Get More Plugins
  2. Install the Payment plugin

All payment-related functionality can be found on the Payments tab of legacy Site Admin.

Add a Payment Plan to an Application

A Payment Plan defines how pricing is calculated for an application. The plan defines the way assets are calculated, the asset price, and the currency used. The same Payment Plan can be activated for many applications.

To configure a Payment Plan, you first configure a Product Type and Notification Templates. Then you add them to a Payment Plan, and finally, you connect that plan to an application.

Configure a Product Type

Go to Payments > Product Types. As shown in the image below, first you select the periodicity (for example a monthly time period), and then you select the way to count assets (you can either count the actual number of licenses used or the license limit for the application).


Configure Notification Templates

You configure notifications in Payments > Notification Templates (see image below). There are two default notifications: one basic notification and one reminder for late payments. You can also configure your own notifications. A payment notification is sent on the day a payment is created and an overdue reminder is sent when a payment is overdue.

You can customize the contents of each notification message by writing plain text and by inserting template variables. A template variable will be replaced with its corresponding value when the notification is sent. You can preview the message by clicking the Preview button.

Tip: Cut-and-paste the text from a default notification to get started with your own custom notifications.


Configure the Payment Plan

Now that you have a Product Type and Notification Template, you can create a Payment Plan. Go to Payments > Payment Plans and click on Create New.

Select a Currency and Product Type, and set a asset Price. Give your Payment Plan a descriptive name (e.g., Monthly Gold Plan). This name will be used when adding a Payment Plan to an application. It will also be visible when searching for historic payments and can be included in notifications.


Click the Enable button to activate payment notifications and overdue reminders. The template you select as Payment Notification is sent when a payment is created. The template you select as Overdue Reminder is sent when a payment is overdue.


When you have selected the notification messages, remember to click on Save.

Your Payment Plan is now configured and ready for use!

Add the Payment Plan to an Application

To add your Payment Plan to an application, click on Payments > Activate. Click to expand the row of the desired application. You will see the application Payment Plan Settings as shown in the image below.

Select a Payment Plan and add recipients for notifications. You can select whether they should receive email or login notifications or both. Enter a Start Day of Month. If the period is Month, a new payment will be created monthly on this day of the month starting from the date that you select.

Note that if you select the current day of the month (today), the first payment will be created instantly and a payment notice is sent to the recipients that you have added for the application.

Click on Activate to save and activate the Payment Plan for the application.


Once you've followed the steps above, you have a Payment Plan live and generating periodic payments for an application.

Enable Payment Notifications in Applications

If you want to enable notifications for administrators in an application, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Site Admin (Legacy) > Applications and click on the customer application
  2. Mark the Payment checkbox under Privileges and Features > Payments and the checkbox for _AllowPaymentList
  3. Save the settings

This allows the admin user of an application to receive payment login notifications and see current and upcoming payments for the applications under the menu Admin > Payments in the application.

Managing Payments

Search and manage historic payments by going to Payments > Search and Manage


You can see all existing payments, or filter them by different search criteria such as Overdue or Due this Month or Next (shows the next payment in the future for each application according to its payment plan). 

Click on Export to export the payments you have selected with your search criteria to a CSV file. That can be used as input if you have a separate billing system for billing your customers.

Payments can be marked as Paid, Unpaid or Canceled (a canceled payment will not be considered for email notifications). A payment in the list can be in one of five states: Paid, Pending (due date is not yet passed and not yet paid), Overdue (due date has been passed and not yet paid), Future (billing date is in the future) and Canceled (a payment can manually be marked canceled if for example there has been an agreement with the customer to skip the payment).

Replace a canceled payment

You can create a new payment manually to replace a payment that has been canceled. This is done by making a copy of the canceled payment.


To replace a canceled payment, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Payments > Search and Manage.
  2. Search for the canceled payment by setting the Canceled criteria to Yes.
  3. Click on the row for the canceled payment.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the payment and click on Copy to open a copy of the payment.
  5. Change the payment as required and click on Save.