How to modify the default trip definition value

The trip definition allows defining in which situations the vehicle will be considered as running or idling. The definition generates standstills on the map where the vehicle is considered idling.

Default standstills are displayed on the map when the track of the vehicle is displayed, and idling at least 120 seconds. Read about the trip definition here.

Modify the trip definition

Follow these steps to change the Trip Definition value:

1. Map the Ignition input on the Device Mapper

First, you must verify that you have correctly mapped the signal you want to use in our Trip Definition. In this example, we'll use Ignition in the Device Mapper.

In the application, go to Admin > Device Mappers and map your Ignition variable. The input this comes from depends on your device's brand and model. Consult with your device manufacturer's support to learn more about Ignition detection for your particular device.

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2. Change the Trip Definition to Device Input - Variable

Open the Device Mapper again, and choose your device.

Scroll down on the Setup page to find Trip Definition.

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2.1 In Type, select Device Input
2.2 In Minimum Idle Time, select the amount of time that will define a standstill.
2.3 In Input, select the variable that will generate the new trip definition (e.g. Ignition).
2.4 Save the device mapper configuration.

3. Reprocess the tracks

After changing the Input in the Trip Definition, reprocess tracking data to reflect the new values for your standstills.

Read how to reprocess tracking data here.


Trip definition with the default value: GPS Movement Trip definition with: Ignition
blog_fatpoints_ignition_003.jpg blog_fatpoints_ignition_004.jpg

3. Change the Trip Definition to Device input - Script 

1. Enable the privileges: _EditDeviceMapperScript and refresh the browser.

Read more about how to access the Privileges and Features guide.

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2. Open the Device Mapper again, and choose your device.

3. Go to Scripts and click on +Script 

Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 16.08.57.png4. Fill in the name of the Script and the variable.

5. Click on Script editor and write your code.
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6. Save the code and the setup script. 

7. Scroll down on the Setup page to find Trip Definition. It is now available the Device input - Script.
8. Save the setup.

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