
Views are used to filter a group of users/vehicles on the screen. This feature allows better visibility over what is most important to see on the screen at any moment.

Views are tightly linked with the concept of Tags.

Learn how to create tags first.

How to create a View

Using the tags created before, you can create a view.

1. Go to Admin > Views

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 12.15.26.png

2. Select mceclip2.png and add a name and a description (optional).

In this screenshot, we will also use the Status option to display only vehicles that are offline or never seen (never reported data to the system).


3. Select a tag. 

The view will only act on the tag of users/vehicles selected in this step.


4. Click on Save.

5. Your new view will be immediately available for selection at the top-right of the screen.