User actions: audit user changes in your server

User Actions feature allows auditing application's user actions (e.g. which user has performed a change inside an application). All logged actions can be found on this page.

Enable User Actions

To enable user actions, follow these steps:

1. Access your application Privileges and Plugins

2. Enable the PluginsUser Actions privilege


3. Click Save

Accessing User Actions

To access user actions, click on Window > User Actions


To limit the number of results, you have to enter as much information as possible in the search dialog. Select valid search criteria and click on Search to list the matching results.


You can select the following to parameters to filter your search results:

  • Application

The application where the search will be performed

  • User

The user that has performed the action

  • Category

The user action category could be: Authentication, Deploy, Devices, Events, Reports, Tags, Tracks, Users

  • Message

Free text field to match the action message

  • Time

The time interval to search