Scheduled reports

The summary of scheduled reports allows you to view a status list of all the reports that have been sent, scheduled, or failed. It also allows you to resend failed reports.


1. Log in to your server, using a Site Admin user.

2. From the Main Menu, choose Site Admin → Scheduled Report

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Sent Reports: The number in the brackets displays how many reports were successfully sent within the preselected time period.
Scheduled: The number in the brackets displays how many reports are scheduled to be sent within the preselected time period.
Errors: The number in the brackets displays how many reports failed to send within the preselected time period. A failure can be due to several reasons, such as an oversized file attachment or report quota violation.

You can filter the report list by clicking on any of the above checkboxes. For example, if you click on the Sent Reports icon, only the sent reports will be displayed in the reports table.

List of Reports

  • This section displays all the reports that were scheduled, sent, or failed to send within the preselected time period.
  • You can use the search box in order to filter undesired reports. The search will filter on all the report information, including its recipient information (such as their email addresses or their status).
  • The report table contains information about the application, report names and definitions, status, delivery method (such as email or file save), and the reporting period.
  • A checkbox is displayed on the right-hand side of each row. This checkbox is used to select reports that need to be resent. You can select individual reports or multiple reports to be resent. Please note that only reports with errors can be resent, and the report will only be resent to the recipients who did not receive it. Once the desired failed reports have been selected, click on the Resend Selected button to initiate the re-sending process.

Report Recipients

A list of the scheduled report recipients will be displayed by clicking on a report row.

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This view shows a short overview of the report and a list of all the recipients. From here you can see the recipients' information such as their email addresses and their statuses.

In the case of a failed report sending, it is possible to select all or some of the failed recipients and resend the report to only them. This is done by checking the checkboxes next to the recipient(s) and clicking on the Resend Selected button.