Use _Me tag to see only your own data

This article explains the _Me privilege and shows how to use it.


The _Me privilege only affects the logged-in user. It can be used to make sure that a user sees its own data exclusively.


Create a Me Role

1. Make a copy of the _Operator role and name it Me only for example.

For more information about customizing roles read here.

2. Under the _ReadData privilege select the _Me tag only. All other tags should be unmarked.


3. The _Me role should include both _WebLogin, _MobileLogin, and _DeviceLogin. In this way, you are creating a user that has tracking and platform log in capabilities.


Create a new Me User Type

1. Create a new User Type called Single User.

More information about User Types.

2. When creating the new user type, make sure it includes both fields of Username and Password - and a device. Add the _Me role to this user type and add a common Users tag.

3. When adding a new user for this purpose, you should now select the new Single User type.


Map View example

1. Create a new View that contains the _All tag.

Read how to create views here.

When a user logs in, will only see its own data generated, which is the device assigned to him/her. Other users using the same view will just observe their own devices on that view.

Live-event rule example

1. Add a new Event Rule.

More information about Event Rules.

2. In Step 2, make sure that the event rule is valid for all vehicles.

3. In Step 5, add an email notifier.

4. Select Users as recipients of the email alerts.

When an event occurs, only the owner of the device that has generated the event will receive an email.

Reporting example

Additionally, you can use this new role Me to only allow the viewing of certain reports. 

Read how to generate an instance of a report here.

1. Create a report instance (optional).

2. Assign the new instance to the Me only role by editing the Reporting > _ViewReport > (the report).

The reports will only display the data generated for the logged-in user, regardless of the tags selected in the report instance assigned to this user.