Batch Update Users

This feature allows you to batch-update user properties, custom files, devices, and user tags using simple CSV files.

To import new users/devices, please use Batch Import Users.

Install and Setup

Enable the _BatchUpdateUsers privilege

  1. Navigate Main Menu > Site Admin > Manage Applications
  2. Select (by clicking on its name) the application in which you want to enable the Batch Update Users feature
  3. Under the Privileges and Features section enable the _BatchUpdateUsers privilege under the Admin section
  4. Save and reload the page.

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 11.11.07.png

How to access the option

1. Log in to your application

2. In the Assets panel, you will see the option in the advanced options menu

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 09.42.36.png

General information and requirements

  • If it is the first time you’re using this feature, it is recommended that you start with a small batch of users since all changes will take effect immediately and there is no undo functionality.
  • For each Batch Update type, the username field is mandatory since this is how the system identifies users.
  • All Batch Updates use CSV files; examples of each CSV header will be provided for each type of Batch Update.

Batch Update Properties

Using the Batch Update User Properties function you can update users' names, surnames, passwords, phone numbers, emails, descriptions, and expected fuel consumption.
Since users are identified by their usernames, usernames cannot be modified using this method.

The header for the Properties looks as follows:


All fields, except username, are optional and therefore you should only include what you would like to modify. Unknown header fields will be ignored.
Fuel Consumption is in SI (International System of Units) and therefore it is L/m (liter per meter)

Batch Update Custom Fields

Using the batch Update Custom Fields function you can update users' custom fields.

The header includes the username, the customfield word follows by a dot (.), and the custom field name. Here is an example of the header to be used while Batch Updating Custom Fields:

username,customfield.Asset model,customfield.License plate

Using the above header you would modify 2 custom fields: one called ‘Asset model’ and the second one called ‘License plate’.

Batch Update User Devices

The Batch Update user devices can be useful in cases where you’re updating multiple devices on your fleet. When you choose the Device update type, you will be presented with a list of 3 Devices that you can enable. Once you enable one of them, you have a choice to select the Device Type corresponding Device Mapper, or simply remove the device from the users.
This can be used to Batch Update complete devices (Device Type, Mapper, and IMEI), or partially update devices by (for example, only updating the Device Mappers).

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 11.15.08.png

A header for the Batch Update Devices looks as follows:


The X can be 1, 2, or 3, depending on which device you want to update.
Once again, the username field is mandatory and the rest is optional. If the header doesn’t contain the IMEI or phoneumber field, those will be taken from the corresponding users or left empty if no previous info exists.

Batch Update User Tags

Using the Batch Update user tags allows you to add or remove users from different user tags. The CSV header includes a username followed by usertag dot (.) and the tag name.
An example of the CVS file header is below:

username,usertag.Central district,usertag.Southshore

Using the above header the system will update users in a tag called ‘Central district’ and another one with the name ‘Southshore’.

To add a user to a Tag use true, 1, or yes as values. Everything else will remove the user from the tag.
As an example, to add user1 to the Central district tag while removing the same user from the Southshore tag you would use the following CSV file:

username,usertag.Central district,usertag.Southshore

Final notes

Each Batch Update type will only look at the information it need, meaning that you can reuse the same CSV file with different Batch Update types. An example for this would be this header:


When Batch Updating Properties, it will update only name and user phone number, and if the same file is used to update user tags, only the Southshore tag will be affected.