ECO Report scoring system

The ECO reports count the number of harsh driving events and multiply them with configurable parameters so that you can calibrate them for your business.

The following table summarizes the main characteristics of all the current ECO reports and how the scoring works:

  EC1000 (deprecated) EC1001 (deprecated) EC1002
Description Shows detailed ECO scores accumulated grouped by a date range Shows detailed ECO scores accumulated per day on a selected date range Shows simplified ECO scores accumulated grouped by date range


Rating system 100 is good - 0 is bad 100 is good - 0 is bad 100 is good - 0 is bad





Distance Factor:
1000km / Distance. The harsh driving scores are calculated based on harsh events per distance driven


(NºOfEvents/Distance) x EventWeight  

(NºOfEvents/Distance) x EventWeight  

NºOfEvents x PointsParameter x Distance Factor

Note Idle time is included as (%TripTime*IdleWeight) Idle time is included as (%TripTime*IdleWeight) Idle time is not considered for driver scoring in this report. 



  • EC1002 is recommended for general purposes.
  • If you need to customized version of the EC1002, we recommend using the scripted eco report which offers a similar format and allows adding more information to it (e.g. driver related info). It's also optimized in performance for big installations.